I was very lost in you

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So, there's this girl.... let's call her Sera, Sera is fourteen and in highschool and this is her story.
Sometimes I feel really depressed and I don't know, it's out of the blue, sometimes it stays for long, days and weeks, sometimes for hours. Minus being home sick after we moved away, I know there's something else... anyway I'll see Alvin today, and I'm sure that will make me feel better. Let me get out of bed and get ready for school. Crapppp it's already 7 am, it's like my head never hears the alarm :-/. I really slept-in this time. "Seraaaaaaa, you're going to be late and so will I, hurry up" Sera's mom shouted. I'm coming mom.

Okay so I just have to brush my teeth and wash my face , I had a shower late last night, so I hope that will do plus some deodorant. And yeah, my mom's spray. I know he will be in the football field after classes and her spray would last the 7 hours.

Okay I'm done. Mommy I'm going to the car now.

Fast forward
The car ride was smooth, honestly all I was looking forward to was getting more sleep during the English class that's 2 hours long on a Monday afternoon...Why do we even study English in highschool?? I can already speak that stuff. SMH

So here I am running to class like a mad duck, hoping Ms Rachel isn't teaching Math already. She may not let me in, plus if she's already in, everyone would be looking at me as I walk to the back to go grab a seat. I got three pimples on my face over the weekend, they'll obviously notice ...and I'm not cool with that.

Okay, now I'm at the door, let me peep inside class and see whether she's in..... Thank goodness !!!! .... So, I enter and walk straight to the back of my seat next to Dawn. Heyyy what's up? "Nothing, i need you to pass me the math book so that I can see if I completed all the homework we were assigned." Dawn asked.
See, me and Dawn sat next to each other in class and we were very close friends. Dawn and Alvin studied in the same elementary school and both moved to Enbridge Highschool.

"Sera, seat down Ms. Rachel is here." Dawn said. "good morning class," Ms. Rachel greeted. "Good morning miss Rachel" we responded as Dawn checked her work one last time to make sure it's all good.

Ms. Rachel had brought a big brown envelope with her. Those ones usually have our marked test papers. I was anxious. Though I had a feeling I had aced it. I wouldn't call myself book-smart, but I was a hard worker and liked to learn. I have the most active mind... it never rests.

She read the results of the best students.
Alvin and I were among them. He was so good at math.

Now, that's the problem. I love outstanding. I love guys that are outstanding. Let me explain. Alvin was a cool kid, he was rich, he was handsome according to me and many people's opinion (Atleast the opinion of those that seemed to be of influence according to the high-school hierarchy of status quo), and he had that bad-boy *ting* going on.!!

So technically, he had me hooked!! Why didn't I even think for once that he may not be the nicest person? Honestly, I don't know... All I can say is that I believed he was nice enough.
He used to come to my desk to chat when he was free and we just grew close. I got his number, his Instagram password and would log into his account, see what he is up to.

Yes, with his knowledge and permission

Yes, instagram password, that's how close we were.

I would call him during the holiday. I got really attached to this guy. Looking back at those days.... what hurt me was that I would spend time after classes waiting for him to come by and talk and I would lie to my friends that I'm staying back to study more, when they wanted me to go with them to grab food or chill.

These were my girl friends, but I put Alvin before them, and would find any excuse to chill with him and stalk him around, but didn't find many excuses to hang more with them.

I didn't even know what I really wanted from him, I imagined marriage, but we were 14. I think every girl dreams of marrying Mr. Perfect at that age. He had girls all-over him. And eventually got a girlfriend. It didn't really bother me because we were just friends and he must have needed a girl who can keep up with that sort of status quo. I still had his password and knew he was not being the most faithful guy.

And guess what? I got over Alvin, we grew apart, we still talk, but most importantly, after we left highschool, I regret spending so much time with Alvin during recess and not my gal pals, because some of them are the ones who check on me now, more often than he does.

We literally only talk once every three months or something

Lesson 1: The boys will come and will go, but your true gal pals, are there to stay. Mind the time you invest with the lovers they may not be forever.

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