Broken Trust

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Author's note....
When I was younger, boys were demonized so much that I'd never think that a girl could hurt you even more. I'm just trying to say that as girls, we should know that even a sista can betray and all our trust should be set up above, in God's hands. Also, not to over expect from a mere human being because even oneself can cause another almost unhealable grief, no matter who you are in that person's life.


NOOOO!!! How could she? I can't believe what you're saying !!! Claire has been nothing but an angel in my life. She's my sister. And if you don't have pictures to prove it... please get out of my room... Sera!

In the beginning Khloe is just going to explain how her and Claire formed this sister-like relationship

~Khloe at 14~
It was my first day at Lawnsdale Girls' Catholic School. I was shy and did not know how to really talk to anyone. To make matters worse, my best friend was in another highschool. The first time in ten years away from her... I felt lost. I did everything with her before, now I need new friends. I guess I'm just a pile of thoughts.

I should probably just enter the building and try to find my classroom before I get into trouble. But why did I have to end up with no one I know in this school. Argh

"BOOM!"As another girl's books flew in the air, when I hit her. "OopssSss "I'm so sorry, I bumped into you, I was not looking at where I was going... let me pick them up ....please leave them on the floor."Khloe went on to explain to this girl-stranger

"It's okay, I'm fine...are you new as well?.. I see you are not yet wearing the proper uniform" the girl asked me.

"Yes, I'm new" I replied.

"That's nice, and so I'm I ....and I have actually been looking for my classroom." I'm Claire, nice to meet you.

"I'm Khloe, nice to meet you too."

So, Claire, do you have any idea where the class rooms are? I don't want us to be late for the first lesson.

"LOL... we have to ask the girls who are dressed in the proper uniform, because they're the ones that know, they've been here longer." Claire suggested
"You should ask them, you seem bold, I'm really shy." I said

"Fine, I will, the sign says that the lunch room, is right down this hall-way... so maybe if we walk there, we shall find enough people to ask." said Claire.

So we went to the lunch-room and asked the older girls that were seated there. They gave us directions to where our classrooms were; one of the girls was called Michelle, who turned out to be Claire's cousin. Michelle seemed very out-spoken like Claire and pretty too.

We finally found our classroom and entered together and we both didn't seem like we wanted to seat at the front, therefore, we opted for the seats at the back... next to each other...

Yes, that's how we became close

Yes, because we sat together just like Sera and Dawn

After the first day of classes, we went back to the rooms and I actually discovered that she was going to be sleeping next to where I was. She was just three beds away.

This was my first time in boarding school and I was really nerve-wrecked. I had heard of hazing, bullying and all sorts of scary stories.

"Hey girl, why are you seated alone on your bed?" Claire interrupted my 💬 thinking bubble.
Hey, I'm just thinking about how this is going to turn out, this is my first time in boarding school and one with just girls too.
Have you been away from home before?

"Haha, no I have not, but I have two of my closest cousins in this school ... so this school is an extension of my home." Claire answered with so much certainty

The first week went by so fast, I, Claire and my room mates; pretty much got used to waking up at 5am and seated in class before 7:00 am.
After class we would go back and talk about how many of our friends and neighbours from home were in Enbridge, and what plans we had for our first break in highschool.

I guess that's why I was willing to trust Claire, she was very bold and happy and she spoke like she had everything together.

One Friday night, as everyone else was asleep, around 2am Claire woke me up. She was flashing a light in my eyes and I saw her dressed in a short black dress. She appeared to have really long hair and I actually thought it was a dream, because Claire had fairly short hair in real life. She asked me to get out of bed and when I did, she handed me what seemed to be like a green leather dress, a blonde wig and a pair of gold heels.

I did not understand what was happening. "Put these on now, we're going out!" she said.
What? How?

"Trust me, girl, trust me!" she said.
So I put on the clothes slowly and quietly, after brief hesitation. I walked bare foot while carrying the stiletto heels because I didn't want to trip and fall then wake up everyone.

So, I followed her out of the building, then through a small path behind it.... and wore the heels. After what seemed like just an additional 10 minute walk, we were outside the school premises and to my surprise, there was a car waiting for us.

Everything happened so fast in that moment and the next thing I knew was that we were at a bar with familiar faces. I recognized Michelle, Claire's cousin and some girls and boys from the school I went to before I joined highschool

This was my first time in a bar and we looked like adults because of the way we were dressed, the wigs, dresses and heels. And that's when I discovered Claire drinks alcohol and knows how to twerk. She offered me a drink and I tried it. It was so bitter, I kept trying though.

That was the beginning of my "wild and free" life. Holiday after holiday, and one night, each month during our school terms, we escaped from our parents' homes and school dormitories respectively.

When I didn't have money to buy a dress or a drink, she always got me outfits and money for drinks. When I didn't have money at school to get snacks and pay for a few things, she always tried to help and even went as far as asking her cousin and older brother for money.... money she often didn't ask me to pay back and when I offered to pay it back... she'd often decline especially if it was for school requirements.

She was a real friend though I knew her lifestyle was not the wisest. I simply knew people were imperfect but I thought she was loyal, loyalty that couldn't be found anywhere else.

~The present~
"Hey, Claire.. it's me Khloe could you come by my room at 2 pm, we need to talk, and it can't be done over the phone."
"Uhm... okay, I'll be there, I just hope everything is okay, you're scaring me."
"Yeah everything is fine, Claire... don't worry about it."
I heard a knock on the door, and rose from my bed timidly. "This is so hard." I thought to myself. I pictured it would be an easy thing to do. I would just say, "Were you and my boyfriend having an affair behind my back?" There were only three possible outcomes.
1. "No, Khloe, i'd never do that to you."
2. "How could you think that, are you that paranoid?" "I can't believe this." (Then she'd be mad at me, and possibly I would lose some of her trust, hence damaging our friendship.)
3. Yes, it's true

Number 3 was the one, to which I didn't know how to react. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door and opened it. Claire walked inside the room, and i asked her to seat on my bed, as i stood infront of her. "Hey Khloe, wassap?" "What'd you wanna tell me?"
"Well, I know this is gonna sound crazy... but I know that you and Alfred have been ...." I don't even know how to say it... Claire looked like she'd seen a ghost upon hearing my words. This was followed by silence for a few second . "Khloe, it's true.... it doesn't change how I feel about you." "I'm sorry, I got carried away, please forgive me. I was planning to come clean, right after you finished your exams. I wanted you to hear it from me. "Here are the texts," Claire said as she handed me her phone that had a watsapp text displayed on the screen... "as you can see I told him we should come clean, though we both agreed that I would tell you after the exam period."

"Please, leave my room, and it's best we don't talk for a while... I just do not know how react to this"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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