The first taste of betrayal

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Sera and Dawn's friendship continued to flourish even after high-school, and were planning to go to the same college after this very summer break

This is another part of Sera's story and it begins in their first summer holiday after high-school sta

Dawn had a best friend named Khloe and Sera's best friend was Trisha

~Niel in the summer~
"Dawn, I've been waiting for ages for you to come to Plex mall! Trisha wants to go for the festival because you know her friends are waiting," Sera yelled at Dawn over the phone.
"Sera I'm coming comn, you know I'm only 30 minutes away, be patient" Dawn tried to explain
"Mehnn, why is Dawn always taking so long to come? She's always the late one lol!" Trisha said impatiently.

~ Sera ~
It seems like Trisha is getting really agitated and I don't blame her. We have been waiting three hours for Dawn. "Trisha, it's cool, go with Sharon...I'll wait for Dawn here. I'm sure she's almost here." I told Trisha
"okayyyy I hope she doesn't appear at 7 pm when the festival is over, haha," said Trisha sarcastically as she stood up, grabbed her purse and left with her friend

~30 minutes later~
Dawn arrives at the Plex mall coffee shop.
"Seraaaa, hiiiiii"
"Don't say hiii with a puppy face, it doesn't change the fact that I've been waiting like 3 and a half hours for your ass" Sera went on angrily
"I'm sorry, okay ?"Dawn apologized over and over

"It's fine, and besides Niel, the guy I've been talking to since our break began, is not yet there or else I'd kill you" Sera said

Khloe isn't there yet as well, she wants to hit the festival for a short time and then Rider's till late. Khloe said she is coming with Claire, and her other friends.
"Dawn, that's nice, I hope this fest isn't a big flop."
Let's gooo go go, the girls said simultaneously as they left and jumped into the car parked right outside the Plex mall coffee shop

"Thanks for the ride Zee, see you at home" said Dawn after her and Sera had jumped out of the blue sports car, her elder brother drove.

~at first sight~
The first thing that caught my attention was how tall he was, then his smile. It was beautiful. He seemed like the most harmless creature on the face of the earth.
I know you think I'm crazy, being that this is the first time I laid eyes on him. But when you know. And then I made my mind up, I would get exactly what I want from him and when I want it. Simple.

And trust me I knew what I wanted.

"Sera, come this side, I see Khloe and her friends... She's been texting me the directions, so I know where to find her, this turn-up is massive gurlllll" Dawn told me as she tried to pull my hand in order to grab my attention.
Yeah, Dawn I'm coming. Is that Niel though?
"Yes, hahah that's your Niel, the one you've been texting!" Dawn answered sarcastically

So, tell me, where's Khloe and the squad? I've missed her. I'm sure you've been dying to see her more. Did she come with Alfred? They're still dating right?
"Yeah, they came together, and they're always together, they're the coolest couple to hang with." Dawn lamented as we walked to the shade where Khloe and her squad were seated.

"Heyyyyyyooo, Seraaa, Dawnnnn, you finally made it!! Trisha has been waiting with me, but she went to say hey to some of her other friends she'll be back."

"Hey everyone, I'm Sera" I introduced myself as I hugged each of the four girls that were standing next to each other.
A friend of Khloe's was always a friend of mine.

Honestly, I did not want to leave them, but it was getting to 6 pm, and trust me they're something about 6 pm, when the sun goes down, and you know you gotta get home. But you cannot leave the party without dancing with that one boy.

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