Hero<< Venelope

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Full Name: Venelope Flower Aleessa

Gender: Girl

Age: 21

Species: Human.

Description: Venelope lives in the country. She owns a small farm with goats and sheep. She's quiet most of the time, but will stick up for herself or others when needed. Her ideal dating type is (long) blonde hair. In the early mornings she will go out on patrol, and then come back around ten o' clock to take care of her animals.

Strengths: Gymnastics. Cooking. Really fast drinker. Reading fast. Karate.

Weaknesses: Distracted easily. Cute/Small animals.

Likes: Saving people. Video games. Exercising. Reading.

Dislikes: Bullies. Climbing ladders.

Fear: Flying.

Superpower(s): Can make shields

Hero Name: Shields.

Weapons: Two zankplus swords. Hunting dagger. Grappling hook.

Hair and Eye Reference:

Clothing Style (bright colors all the way):

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Clothing Style (bright colors all the way):

Clothing Style (bright colors all the way):

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Superhero Outfit:

Shield (can also manipulate to act as an actual shield, like Captain America's):

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Shield (can also manipulate to act as an actual shield, like Captain America's):

Shield (can also manipulate to act as an actual shield, like Captain America's):

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Others: Is single so her up!! ;)

NOTE: One of my little sister's, BunnyBoo, made this. So it is NOT mine. But she has agreed to let me use this character to RP with people.

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