Assassin<< Diego

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Name: Diego Aoril

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 218 lb. (pounds)



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Personality: Acts like he's cocky. Always assessing situations. Rude. Straight forward. Enjoys taking charge in any situation.

Likes: Money. Power. Fear. Killing.

Dislikes: Not getting his way. Sitting around. Not getting what he was paid.

Strengths: Swift reflexes. Good aim. Very physically flexible. Knowledge of multiple weapons.

Weaknesses: Anybody he considers close. His left eye is half blind.

Backstory: His family died in a fire when he was seven and was immediately left on the streets since he had no other relatives. Diego soon found himself brought in by a local gang and was raised by them, becoming an excellent assassin over the years. Later, he left that gang and started getting paid to be a hit man most of the time. Soon enough he started to raise his prices and became rich. He loves his job and is always trying to find more work.

Family: All deceased

Crush: None

Weapon: Sniper Rifle. Multiple hidden throwing knives. Whip.

Power: Unless you count good reflexes and sharp senses then none

Other: His left eye is blind from an accident during his "work". He has a Spanish accent.

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