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So Namjoon was hungry but Jin was at the movies with no one else but himself and when the others asked why he said, and I quote, "CAUSE I CAN BITCH! I'M A HUMAN TOO YOU KNOW. I EAT, I DRINK, I PISS, I SHIT, JUST LIKE THE REST OF Y'ALL!" "Don't forget you breathe too!" Yelled Yoongi.

So namjoon decided to make some lasagna. Namjoon being Namjoon took one step into the kitchen, sliped on a puddle of banana milk and fell on to the floor. And that was just the beginning.

By the time Jin got back Jungkook was stuck to the sealing, Yoongi was in the oven, Taehyung was being attacked by birds, Hoseok was passed out on the floor for whatever reason, Jimin was fighting monkey for a jar of jams that was in its hands, and Namjoon was stuck inside the fridge.

Jin then made mental note to NEVER go anywhere with out his members again.


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