Weird Dreams

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I had this weird ass dream last night that I was with Namjoon and Taehyung at the beach. All of us were in bikinis. *sighs* oh god. Than all of a sudden Taehyung taps Namjoon on his shoulders and said " I think Moto Moto likes you." I turn around and I see Moto Moto coming up out of the water. Let me tell you Moto Moto was looking like a whole three course meal. I then look too see him talking to Namjoon and Taehyung but after they were finished he smack their asses and winks at them. Namjoon yells "OH HEEEEEEELL NO" and bitch slapped him so hard people in Europe can hear it. Moto Moto then falls on the sand and vanishes in a puff of smoke. A lamp then falls out of nowhere and hits me on the head. The three of us come close together and Taehyung rubs the lamp. Then this genie, lookin like a whole damn meal, comes out of it. He then says his name is Jungguk and takes Taehyung, Namjoon and me into a forest which then turns into a palace two other good looking men come close to use great use and tells us their names which were Seokjin and Zillion. We then talk, get to know each other, blah blah all that good shit and before we know it, it was night time. We thought we had to go back but then they said that we would be living in the palace. They then took us to our bedrooms in which we each had our own. When Zillion was showing me my bedroom he looked the door pushed me to the wall and.................

BITCH IF YOU DON'T WAKE THE FUCK UP. My annoying ass friends wakes me up. He says he's been trying to wake me up for the past ten minutes and was threatening to use ice cold water if I didn't.  Soooooooooooo yeah. That's some of the dreams I dream about after seeing too many hot men. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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