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Umm..... I will repeat it again and again and again that this riddles are not mine. Why would you make a book if it's not your riddles? 'Cause I want my other wattpadian classmates (Hello there) to answer those riddles and I will give them a reward.

I wrote this too just for fun. Because what if those riddles are gone so... I wrote this book just for fun and for my classmates who is reading this one...

If someone commented that I plagiarized. No I didn't, because I wrote or type or whatever this one (Credits to the real owner) and sorry I didn't wrote who's the real owner because I'm really tired of typing, and searching for the real-real owner.

And if you're curious about the note below every riddles that is (Not Edited / Edited) I edit some riddles because of the punctuation and spacing in it, changed some other words, and changed the title of some riddles.

Know it is clear to you all and thanks for reading even it's boring to read.

If you answered the correct answer even you're not my classmate it's fine at least you tried.

Thanks to those who read this.... If you comment some bad ones well it's fine too. Because you proved to yourself that your an alien..... So thanks!!

(P.s.: Sorry for the wrong grammars and words or whatever.... Sorry.)

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