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A woman flattened herself against the wall. Her eyes popped out with fear. She was entreatingly looking at him. 

“Don’t kill! Let me go!” 

Something came near. It sniffed the air. 

“What do you want from me?” 

It opened its mouth. The woman howled. 

“No!!! Go away~ Noooooooooo!” 

Walls became dashed with blood. It gave a smile.  

James Snow
A private detective.
Positive reputation.
Tel.: +7-927-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ

”Do you really can help me?” 


“Then here’s my statement.” 

I took a piece of paper. It was covered with exquisite female writing. And fear was in each line. 

“Take a drink. Calm down, I’ll find your sister.”  

A tear rolled off her face. I had to calm a stranger again. 

“I believe you.” 

Everybody believes me, but it doesn’t matter. What matter is eight people missed in our town in 5 weeks. They were searched, but search led nowhere.  

Phone started to rang. I pick it up. It is Sam.  

“Boss, it’s important” 

“What’s this?” 

“I’m placed in detention.” 

Why do you always get into a mess, Sam? My perennial question.  

And now I’m walking up the evening streets of Georgetown to the police-station. Thank God, a friend of mine works there.  

Gaining my destination, I dealt with an assistant about the case. He was afraid, I could read it in his eyes. 

”You won’t believe what I saw.” 


“I staked out our suspect from the parlour jumping case. Unfortunately, I missed her. When I was seeking for her I stumbled upon some shady character. It was a man. A common man, you know, but he behaved oddly. He looked back at every turn and… hissed. Sort of cat and viperous hiss at the same time.” 

“Maybe, it was just a half wit. What wonder?” 

“The strange thing is another. When I came nearer, he looked back. His eyes. As if they were glowing. But he was in the hood, that’s why I couldn’t spot them. And then he ran at me. Do you know what power he has? He threw me on one of parked cars with one hand. With one hand! Do you understand it?” 

“And then policemen came.”
”Yep. A neighbor had called it. And then he took off the hood and looked at me. I dunno what was in the eyes of his, but I had hysterics.”  

I didn’t believe, but carried it off. I came to a police officer who caught Sam. He said the latter had been found in a distracted state behind a ditched car. His eyes were haunted so they gave him a huge dose of tranquilizer.  

My mobile started to rang again. My friend, a police officer, was calling me. 

”James, do you still conduct a case concerning missing people?” 

“Yes, I do.” 

”We have found something. Go up to me.” 

I had to overcome two staircase flights. 

“So, what do you have?” 

My friend politely invited me to sit down. He took an envelope and a picture out of it and gave it me.  

”We have eight stiffs like this one.” 

I felt aghast. Feeling of disgust obscures everything.  

“Where did you find them?” 

“In close propinquity to a swamp. All of them were placed in a container similar to coffin. The lid was banged down and buried three meters down.” 


”It is not the word. They have carried out an expertise. These are our missing ones. ” 

“How did they die?” 

“Scarcely you’ll believe…” 


”All bowels were extracted. With a syringe. First of all, all that was turned into a soup. Ad then extracted. We found remains of internal organs in burying. Everything was intermixed. Do you understand?” 

I didn’t. Hence, it followed that all organs were turned to soup and then sucked from bodies? Very well, probably, it was me who had gone mad or others.  

I took one of the pictures. Sam went with me. 

Night infolded the day. Saying goodbye to Sam, I moved on. When I was walking my phone rang. I picked it up. 

”Don’t touch me! Go away! You aren’t…. A-a-a-a-ah!”
I took a look at call recognition. And felt aghast. It was my client. However, the whole nightmare began when screams went down. I hear a hiss.  

“I know too much!” 

Fear numbed me.  

It was true. Full truth.  

Hissing again. Near me. I looked back and saw a man in the hood. He came to me. Took off the hood and… His eyes… Damn! They were viperous! He was looking at me with such fury and rage… and then darkness.  

And here I am. In a cellar. In complete darkness. However, I still hope. I found a piece of paper and have written it with my pen. In a minute I’ll throw it in grating leading upwards. I’ve attached the picture with some sticky matter that flowing down the ceiling. 

Oh, God, I hear his steps. That’s all. Now he’ll drink my guts for supper. Farewell.

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