How to Summon a "Queen of Spades"

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There are some, figuratively speaking, “things”, which don’t go out of date and proceed to exist from one generation to another. Each of us was a child, however, by now many of us have own children, who with time will have their children as well.  

This process is irreversible, and from year to year the older generation passes to the younger one some means of divination, secret conjurations and rituals. I can safely say that each adult person, who by now is 25 or moreyears old, tried in his childhood - at home, outdoors, at summer camp, alone or with his friends - to summon a Queen of Spades. Someone was quite successful, another - not, but legends, gossips and various fables about this ritual were spreading among all the friends and fellows, causing distrust, fear, laugh or even awe... So, having been nostalgic about this matter, I decided to describe 2 rituals of summoning a Queen of Spades at home. You can ask me, why at home? The answer is quite simple: if one is able to do this at home, the company of friends will be able to do this as well. Ok, now let’s start: 

Method 1 

The most well-known method. You should take the card of Queen of Spades and a mirror. Close yourself in a dark room and right at midnight in the bright of the moon tear the card up. Then you have to look in the mirror. With time you’ll see the Queen of Spades appears in the mirror and also you can feel it starts to strangle you being closer and closer to you. To avoid the danger of strangulation you should turn the light on or just break the mirror. Hardly you will do one of these actions, Queen of Spades will disappear and the ritual will be finished. 

Method 2 

You should go to the bathroom having taken with you some soap, a candle, a kerchief (cap, do-rag or any other headdress) and the card of Queen of Spades. Being in the bathroom you should spread soap over the mirror surface, light a candle and place it in front of the mirror. Then you should take the card and place it to similar position with its front towards the mirror. Before starting the ritual you should carefully cover your hair with a headdress. If you will fail to do this carefully, Queen of Spades can take you by hair and wool you and beat your head against the bathroom walls… Having done all the above-mentioned actions, you should sit opposite to the mirror and start peering into it. Right at midnight you can notice that in the mirror there are some figures. If they resemble triangles, this means the summoned Queen of Spades is good and you can make some wish. However, if there will be other figures in the mirror, Queen of Spades is bad and you’d better interrupt the ritual. To do this just turn the light on or quench a candle.

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