Ring And Grave

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It’s not even a legend, but a series of legends, a great many times used by the cinematography as well. They narrate about someone who was buried alive, but managed not only to dig himself/herself up, but also punish all villains, grow rich, find personal happiness, etc.  

True story is as follows

It was in Poland. After 6 years’ home life certain Martin Kasprzak decided that his fiancée Michelina Levandovska wasn’t good enough. Instead of letting her catch him red-handed in bed with more attractive girl, as any other man would do, Kasprzak arrived at more radical solution. He knocked his girlfriend senseless, tied her hands and feet with sticky tape, packed in a TV box and carried her away to a remote forest. There he buried the girl and went straightway to the nearest cash machine and withdrew all her money. 

Luckily for Michelinav Kasprzak had one unquestionable merit - he had an eye for jewelry and made a present of a ring with large genuine diamond to her betrothed when they engaged. Using this diamond she cut the tape around her hands and feet. After that she made a hole in the box with that brilliant and dug herself out through dirt and branches which the fiancé used to cover the grave.  

So, girls, when events trend towards engagement, demand a ring with huge brilliant for sure. Especially if your fiancé keeps a TV box for some reason.

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