Chapter 2

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Credits to the wonderful artists!


Uraraka's POV


After Knowing what i said Bakugou, i thought i was gonna die, i was walking to the place to meet up with Bakugou, i felt a touch on my shoulder " EEP! " " chilll down Floaty its just fucking me " Bakugou said while i turned around to him. " O-Oh! Bakugou are you ready for ou-" " Don't Ask me that stupid Question, i'm always fucking ready" Bakugou smirked " ONE! TWO! THREE! BAKUGOU AND URARAKAS ROUND HAS STARTED! " the Announcer said, There was about 20 robots coming near us, Bakugou started running and using his quirk to explode the robots " DIE! " Bakugou screamed. I started to Also fight the robots, i knocked down about 10, Bakugou knocked them all probably.. " ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION ROUND FACE?! " Bakugou screamed at me because i stopped. i started fighting more robots but then a robot grabbed my foot and swung me around and then threw me " AAAAAAAAAH! B-BAK-U-GOU...! " i screamed for help from Bakugou. As soon i saw Bakugou explode the robot, i was closing my eyes and then i fainted. 


Bakugou's POV


Really?!? Roundface fainted? i thought she would be fucking strong. " BAKUGOUS AND URARAKA ROUND IS OVER, PLEASE TAKE URARAKA TO THE NURSE! " the announcer screamed at me " I KNOW SHUT UP! " i screamed back at the bitch. I picked up Pink cheeks and put her on my back and started carrying her to the nurse. 

i heard that Dumb girl mutter something right next to my ear " B-Bakugou... " WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE JUST SAY?! 

After a few minutes later walking to the nurse, my face was fucking red, Uraraka had her hands on my FUCKING CHEST! " oh my! is she okay? " the nurse looked at me when i walked in " yeah just get her fucking healed up " i said back " are you two dating? " the old lady asked " FUCK NO! OUR TEACHER JUST TOLD ME TO BRING HER HERE! " i yelled and blushed " oh sorry for my behavior. smooooooooooch! shes all better, just let her lay down for another hour and you can come back and check up on her. " the old lady said "  im going back to fucking class. " i muttered

It's been an hour  and class was over " K-Kacchan...! " i heard the little scrum say my stupid child nickname he gave me. " What the fuck do you want Deku. " i said " can i come with you to check on U-Uraraka-san...? " he asked me the worlds stupidest question ever " the fuck kind of question is that!? " i started rising up my voice, I turned around and started leaving to the nurse to check on Angel face. i heard laughing in the nurse, it was Round face and the nurse. what the fuck were they talking about?!? " Oi! Roundf- " "  U-Uraraka-san! Your Alright! " Fucking Deku interrupted me, he came running in and pushed my shoulder. " oh! Deku! Your here? " i heard uraraka ask deku " I asked Kacchan if i could come with him to the Nurse to check up on you! But i guess your fine now! " he acted so fucking dumb " oh! i gotta go! sorry Uraraka-san! " Deku said running out the door and bumping into my shoulder without saying sorry again. " Oi Roundface. " Floaty looked up to me " Yeah Bakugou? " she asked " What exactly is Deku to you? " i said " what deku is to me? " Uraraka repeated back " Yeah, dumbass what is he to you. " i said. i turned around and walked away. 


Uraraka's POV 


What deku is to me...? Bakugou had just asked me the most hardest question ever " What exactly is Deku to you" The question that bakugou asked repeated in her brain " if you found out find me tomorrow aat lunch if you can dumbass " bakugou said while exiting the door. Was bakugou inviting me to lunch with him?

an hour later.

I was walking home and question bakugou asked me a hour ago still repeated in my brain. 

this is all im gonna do so far! sorry! )

Floaty and Sparky { Kacchako Fanfic }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ