cherry blossoms

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i feel myself being pulled in for a hug by derek, after he plops his jeans jacket over my shoulders. i slip my arms into the sleeves, making me wince. "shit..." i say out loud, only to have my overprotective new friend look at me in concern. "did she hurt you? if she did, i'm gonna kill her." he growls out and starts heading to Rosalinda. "don't get your knickers in a twist, it's just my tattoo. i don't think i should've fought directly after getting one..." "you what?! you're telling me that you got yourself tattooed just an hour before fighting? it could be injured! or even infected?!! great job lucy, great job. now we have to go to the hospital because of you." i look around in astonishment, and the others are looking at me, whilst shaking their heads in disappointment "are you guys serio-" derek cuts me off with a -very bitchy- wave of his hand. "let's all clap for lucy, who is making us drive into the hospital because she was so irresponsible." i turn around and see derek's friends all clapping with serious expressions on their faces. "you can come apologize to all of us for making us worry when you know what you did wrong." with a last shake of their heads, they turn around and walk away. what the hell just happened..? i laugh to myself lightly. at least i have his number. i shove my hands into derek's jacket and turn on my heel to go home.

i am used to the stares i get. they've always been there. i can't say i don't like it, but i don't love them either. i walk down the underground steps, because i twat forgot to bring my car. maybe that was a good idea after all. it would've gotten too much attention around here.

to my luck, there's an underground waiting when i get to the platform. i get onto the train at the very end and find a place to sit down. i cram out my phone and text juvia that i'll be home in a bit. she responds almost immediately, which makes me chuckle although it isn't unusual for her. "sure thing, tell me where you went then, okay?" i roll my eyes.of course i should've expected her being motherly. "bye, mom." i answer back put my phone in my back pocket, looking out of the train window, seeing nothing but darkness surrounding us. duh, it is called underground. i roll my eyes at my sassy inner voice and ignore her for now. there aren't many people in my wagon, but i try to hide my bruised knuckles anyways. then, i yawn. gosh i'm tired. i wonder what the others did while i was gone...? if they pulled some weird shit without me, they're dead. i grin mischievously and think about what erza could've done when i was gone. meh, i'm gonna find out tomorrow anyways. let's hope it was bad enough to send them to the headmaster, that would be fun. i giggle to myself and look around once again, jumping up as i notice that i need to get out at this stop. i run towards the doors and just barely make it out before they close behind me. i chuckle again. being over dramatic again, are we? definitely. i walk up the steps of the underground and begin walking home, which is in walking distance. while i walk home, i bury my hands in dereks jacket and look onto the ground, listening to music. i stop suddenly as i step onto something pink. my eyes travel down the road i'm walking, and dozens of cherry blossoms fall to the ground around me. i look up and see a valley of cherry blossom trees where i'm walking. the slight spring breeze makes my hair fly back and ruffles up my skirt. i close my eyes in bliss and look up into the sky, a beautiful blue sky with the pink petals of a cherry blossom tree sailing around, waiting to hit the ground. and as those who were sailing around finally meet the ground, another few dozen petals reach the air and fly about.
they seem so light and feathery, enough to make anyone jealous of how easily they can start again, have to start again. they don't have a choice, and they have to be fine with it. one falls, one hits the ground, one falls, one hits the ground... it's an endless circle, a beautiful one. in the usually so grey world, cherry blossoms have always been my favourite. i've been waiting for them to finally blossom. i let out a content sign, feeling a little more free. they've always had this affect on me and i really hope it never stops. mom. if you could see this... i let out a sharp breath and get back to walking again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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