The Visit

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ZHao was surprised to see both his dad and Zhu together. "I brought this beautiful lady with me she was waiting at her office a bit worried" his dad stated. "Sorry for making you wait "he smiled to Zhu. She was so worried about him "are you ok, is everything ok" She was reffering to his well being with the first question and to his fight with her brother with the second one, she didn't want to ask directly because of his father. He nodded his head "Yes" smiling Zhao but inside sure is crying tears of blood for his heart breaking into pieces. They left the hospitale after some time passed. Zhu left with Zhao'dad droped her at her house and Zhao left with Chu to his house "didn't you say you will be back at SID" asked Chu looking a bit worried usually Yunlan is so strong and never stays home whatever problem he may have.

"For now I don't want to face him, tell him I have left for a meeting with higher ups in SID headquarter, Ah what brings dad with Zhu" Zhao remembred surprisingly looking at Chu.

Zhu was on the phone with Shen wei when opening the door to their house "I just arrived home darling......... yes he is ok normaly he is going back to work with Chu.............. ah his dad droped me such a gentelman, Shen wei I got acceptance from my futur father in law he said that I am perfect for Zhao and he invited me to his Inauguration ceremony the day after tomorrow" She was happily announcing to her brother when suddenly saw a figure sitting on the couch quickly her tone changed on the phone "Shen wei let me call you back later ok" she hung up the phone on him. "You??" said with fear. A man wearing just like Shen wei and even wearing glasses tried to shake her confidence.

Shen wei in his office was uncomfortable for what she just said "perfect for Yunlan" he whispered as he bite his lips. What is coming sure is great what if she finds out about their intimate kisses what if she knows that the man she likes instead loves her brother, Zhu hong sure is ill-fated. Shen wei was asking lots of questions in his head thinking of way to clear this problem he can't hurt her but he can't accept her love for Yunlan. "Professor Shen wei, hellooo Professor" Chu called over and over but Shen wei was spacing out in his heavy universe.

"yes sorry I was thinking about the cases, where is the Chief" he asked looking for Yunlan. "He has a meeting with the elites of SID, I don't think he will be coming today please feel free to leave whenever you feel like it I know you teache at the university". Chu was looking at him with anger for this man to be his Chief and Idole weakness sure he does hate the man.

Zhu hong was sitting next to the man in her house looking at him scaning him and  his huge bodyguards, she was so scared because he never visited the house. "Yezun what are you doing here ususally you call me to meet outside, what if Shen wei comes and see you?". "This is not my first time here, I know every corner of this house specially his room and the sent of it mmmm so beautiful" he said that fondly. "what do you mean Yezun when did you come here" she asked in fear. "When you both where outside he he he" he laughed at her "you think I can't visit my family's house, well let's get to the matter. I heared they have captured the man who were following you, so you don't need my help anymore right" . Zhu asked him before to help knowing that he is strong and has power, he could have anything he wants. She kept in touch with him from time to time to help them in life wihtout Shen wei knowing because the twin brother had some dark past they wouldn't want to share with anyone.

"Yezun you should leave he may come at any moment, please he will collapse from just hearing your name what if sees you, please leave". pleaded to her brother. "I miss him" said in a very mourning mood "does he still has the nightmares and hallucinations" worried about his twin "yes sometimes aren't you the reason for all of this?". while she said that he gave her a deadly look as she turned her gaze away. "I think I shall leave for now but we will be meeting soon, dear sister" he stood aproached her and gave her a forehead kiss, he then went to Shen wei's room. "Where are you going you said your leaving" she was following him the bodygurads stopped her. "When I am in his room no body disturbs me ok stay calm I will be quick" He entered Shen wei's room closing the door after him.

She took her phone to call Shen wei just to see where he is dialing his number suddenly the phone was snatched from her hand. "What are you doing miss, you can't call him" the bodyguard said. "I just want to see where he is" she shouted at him angry. "our men are watching him, don't worry" he smirked. "what? watching him since when?" confused and wanted to make a point. "Always" the bodyguard gave her the answer she wanted leaving her devasted.

in Shen wei's room Yezun was touching his objects feeling his presence cuddling and smelling Shen wei's cloths, he lys in his bed smelling  him more and more "my sweet Gege I miss you like crazy, why can't I have you why?. I even got rid of our parents for you and I will get rid of anyone even Zhu if this makes you come to me" Yezun hugging his brother's pajamas into his chest.

Shen wei felt weird as if he is being touched, thinking of Zhao and feeling hot, fever going to his head he panicked and started sweating. "Not feeling well professor" Da qing said while he was discussing work with him."I am fine just tired, I think I will be leaving just when he comes give him my report" He said taking his bag and left quickly.

in his sweet room the devil taking advantage of his absence using his privet tools messing with everything Shen wei has then purposly broke the small trophy that was gave to him by the university in his graduation. Zhu heard that panicked, pushed the man and went to the room "Oh my God Yezun what did you do, why?" she shouted in shock. "I feel sad, he is not with me he is with other people all the time he must feel what I feel he must be sad as well" Yezun shouted while crying and laughing felt crazy in that moment. Zhu watching him astoniched by his odd behaviour "Don't tell me you are still in......" he slaped her before continuing her forbidden sentence. "Shut that mouth of yours or I will rip your tongue out of it" the evil Yezun finally is in the picture. "Master he is coming this way we must leave" one of his men uttered. He then pushed her and left, Zhu fell into the ground shievering panicking on what just Yezun did he put on mess Shen wei's room.

Zhao was sleeping suddenly hears the doorbell. He went to open "You, I didn't expect your visit" He was confused by the man at the door. "Can I come in" said the man in front of Zhao.

Hello dear reader this is another update for you my beloved

don't panick please the events are getting so much exiting

I woke up early just for you now I am heading to work best of luck everyone enjoy

I will be updating later if I can

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