Partying All Day, and All Night, Together

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***Cheese Sandwiches POV***

It's been a long time since I first met pinkie and since I asked her the big question. Since then we have done everything together, and thrown the best parties in equestria, not by our selves as two separate ponies, but together as if we were one. Since then Pinkie and I have been inseparable and it's been almost a year. All that partying has worn her down. She is asleep on the couch so shhh. I guess I should check on her. I walk into the room and smile she looks so cute when she sleeps, she looks so innocent, so small and frail. I look down at her and notice she doesn't have any blankets, and begin to take off my poncho. Once it's off I wrap it around her and make sure she is nice and snug. She deserves the rest she works so hard. I grab boneless #2 from the counter and place him near her and she wraps her hoofs around it immediately, and I have to cautiously remove my hoofs from it without waking her up. I eye her one more time before grabbing some pillows from upstairs and a blanket from pinkie's room and set up a bed right near the couch. Once I am finished, and have everything together I walk over to pinkie and kiss her forehead. "Goodnight Pinkie I love you.." I mutter. She managed a muffled reply even in her sleep. I smile not surprised at how amazing this pony is, and then go to bed lying by her side.

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