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Jimin held Jungkook tightly. He couldn't sleep that night. Why did he and Jungkook have so much in common? The moonlight reflected off his skin, making it glow and look cleaner. He looked at the alarm. 3:07. He may as well make himself useful.

Jimin walked into the bathroom, taking a fifteen minute shower. He walked out and got dressed, then ironed all of Jungkook's brother's clothes and did Jungkook's and his brother's laundry. When he was done, the clock read 5:24 and he was done with the boys' chores.

Jimin walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. He found some cheese and found the bread and immediately made everyone but himself a sandwich. He wrapped them up and ran back to bed, exhausted. Shuffling closer to Jungkook, he closed his eyes and immediately cuddled him tightly. "Jimin-ah..." He heard Jungkook whisper. Jimin opened an eye, but then closed it when he noticed the maknae was sleeping. A soft smile grew on his face, and his heartbeat quickened. Something as keeping him awake...

But what was it?


Jungkook held Jimin's soft hands, but didn't glance at him at all. After a while, Jimin spoke. "Got any plans?" Jungkook shook his head slowly. "You're quiet, is something wrong?" Jungkook looked at Jimin and let go of his hand. He stared deeply into his hyung's eyes, making Jimin feel hot. The older boy's hand twitched, and Jungkook grabbed Jimin's waist, pulling him closer and taking him by surprise. "J-Jungkook-ah?!" Jungkook leaned forward slowly.

"Hey, Jungkook!" At first, he thought he heard Namjoon and shoved Jimin away, but then turned around to see his old friend.


The young man ran up to Jungkook, pulling him into a tight hug. Jimin watched uneasily and looked away. "J-Jungkook-ah..." Jungkook turned around and looked at his hyung. He noticed Jimin's expression, how he suddenly looked really grumpy. 

"Jimin, this is my friend I told you about." Jungkook said, hoping to make the situation better. "His name is-"

Jimin snapped. "Taehyung, I know!" Jimin's sudden tone took Jungkook by surprise. He took a few step back towards Kim Taehyung, who was smirking but hid it from Jungkook. Jimin began to run off, and Jungkook tried to follow but Taehyung held him back. 

"Let him go." Taehyung pulled Jungkook towards him. "He's being stupid."

"Stupid or not, I need to follow him." Jungkook flung his wrist away from his old friend, and chased after Taehyung, making him follow as well.

Jungkook was faster than both his hyungs, but Jimin was so far ahead of him. It was almost impossible for him to catch up. To Jungkook's luck, it started raining. Very light at first, but then, almost immediately after it started, it became heavier. Jimin had no choice but to slow down a bit to stop himself from slipping, and he slowed down, panting heavily and skidding to a halt. "Jimin-ah!" Jimin spun around, glaring at the maknae and ran across the road. 

 Jimin, look out!

Jungkook wanted to scream it so badly, but fear swept across him and the words got stuck in his tongue. Pushing past the fear, he skidded to a halt, almost falling and charged towards his hyung. He grabbed Jimin by the wrist, very tightly so he wouldn't let go, and before he could move, Taehyung shoved them out the way.





Jhope, Mr.Seokjin and Yoongi

"That Namjoon sounds like trouble." Jhope said, sitting beside his friend, Mr. Seokjin, or Jin as they called him. 

Yoongi silently agreed as Jin spoke. "Yeah he is." He said. "I had to get the police involved because apparently he tried to kidnap someone. Don't  know who yet, and he won't say anything about it." 

Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes. "Namjoon? He wouldn't do such a thing!"

Jhope laughed. "What do you know? You're still in high school!" 

"Shut up." Yoongi sunk into his chair with his arms crossed, and Jin spoke again, before they started fighting.

"...But that Jungkook and Jimin..." Jin mumbled. "There's something about them... That might hurt us all, but help us at the same time..."

Rainfall - BTS JikookWhere stories live. Discover now