Burning Out (Sonika & Prima)

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"Life is just one big acid trip," Sonika said as she rested her arms on the rail. Her mid-length green hair dangled from the edge.

Prima lighted the cigarette in her mouth and rolled her eyes. "What're you on about?"

"We just start existing one day. Sometimes it starts off good, sometimes bad," Sonika said without turning her head. "Then it gets bad or even worse at some point and—"  She cut off mid-sentence as the fumes from the cigarette reached her nose, causing her to cough. "You smoke, Teach? That ain't good for us students."

"Why do you think I came to the roof?" Prima grimaced.

"I thought you were gonna...y'know." Sonika glanced at the bottom of the school for a moment then gazed at the clouds. "Ya gotta relax sometimes."

Prima took another puff from her cigarette. "It was supposed to be a relaxing lunch break until you showed up."

"You say it's lunch, but you aren't eating. Maybe care for yourself more." Sonika continued to stare absentmindedly at the clouds.

"So? What do you know? You're just a preachy brat." Prima scowled as her cigarette fizzled out.

"I don't mean you gotta make super, big changes." Sonika lifted her arms from the rail and turned to Prima. "Maybe one small thing at a time. You might be happier."

There was a long pause between the two. Sonika's blank face stared back at Prima, who kept her unwavering frown. The bell then rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"See ya in class, Teach." Sonika waved without looking back at Prima as she headed towards the door to the hallway.

Prima gazed at the burnt-out cigarette for a moment before she tossed it down the seven-story building.

The cigarette splattered once it reached the ground.

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