Dark Ice: Chapter Seven, Now it Begins.

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Two minutes before the death of the third commander of the well-known group; the Chautari, another event had taken place merely miles from the town of Gilmore. The mayor of Gilmore, Toma E. Fiore and his family had finally arrived at the bunker that was built for them in case of emergencies accompanied by Rune Knights. Toma's eyes searched around, there was a bad vibe floating within the air, the old king could smell the amount of blood that was shed back at the battle of Gilmore. It reminded him of the attack of the dragons and Acnologia. The number of innocents killed and soldiers lost in the line of duty, such an event was traumatizing even for an old man like Toma himself. His wife looked to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, she had only displayed a smile to place the old man at ease. Just looking into her eyes, Toma realized he had to trust Gray who was battling Jerome's army in his name.

"My lord, we've checked the place. You're clear to enter now."

With a nod, Toma led his wife and his daughter Hisui E. Fiore into the bunker. Within this bunker, their security was almost certain. No one could breach the bunker, at least in the past. Dragon fire was incapable, and the Rune Knights kept intruders away. Toma believed it to be completely safe for him and his family. The older man issued a soft sigh as he'd taken a seat on the couch that was placed in the living quarters of the bunker. However, before the old man could even begin to relax, a voice spoke up.

"You've kept me waiting a little too long, my Lord," the voice uttered. Toma quickly jumped up, sitting up in a hurry. He wasn't the only one that was alarmed by the voice of the man sitting behind a desk that was designed for the King to sit upon and write notes and letters to other parts of the world and country. Toma shouted for the guards, but none answered. Instead, all he and his family heard was the screams of the Rune Knights as they were being cut open like butter with a knife. The man's lips stretched into a grin as the light revealed the elegant look of his facial features. Crimson eyes, golden hair, and clad in an armor that was almost completely gold, with black underlinings.

"H-how?... How did you get in here?" Toma asked. The blond male smirked, releasing a chuckle. Toma was completely confused as to what the blond male found so funny. He had yet to explain himself, yet Toma could already feel his presence being that of a red-eyed monster that was out for blood. The blond male leaned forward onto the table, his little smirk never withering.

"How? You asked me to scout the place did you not? Heh, you should really learn the faces of your men otherwise, anyone could pull the rug right from under your nose," the blond male stated. He reached for an apple that was placed on the table. Upon grabbing it, he took a dramatic bite, simply aiming to intimidate Toma. Hisui could see through that, yet even she shook a bit as fear struck her with just one look into the creature's crimson red eyes.

"We gave you one job Toma. We were even kind enough to lend you a small town and subjects. Yet here you are a traitor, conspiring with Gray Fullbuster to dethrone and kill the King Acnologia and to destroy the Chautari. Such actions are punishable by death, you know that, don't you?" The golden-haired male asked. Just as he completed his last sentence, two men from his army had entered the bunker clad in armor similar to that of the blond male. They each held bloody long swords at their sides which was painting the floor in the blood of the men they'd murdered outside the bunker. Seeing them, Toma was quick to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness.

"Please forgive me! I'll take on whatever punishment you have in store for me, just please spare my wife and daughter!" He pleaded. The blond male would pause for a few seconds as he thought over the request Toma asked of him. Though in his mind, Toma had broken quite a few rules and ordered the murder of Kapone Alver, a member of the Chautari.

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