chapter 10

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After the call i immediately called mica on what happened she suggested that i make a follow story to add as this will open up more answers regarding this story as each of the main characters in this article had a right to be heard so after our talk i decided to tell madam about what his son told me all of these are happing so fast i think i really need a vacation after this in the bright side the problem of me having an extended time staying here has been fixed but a new problem has opened up all these stress must not get to me so I decided a call it a day after sending this report i will take a bath and rest for today and i will worry about this when i wake up.

The nxt day i woke up early and called josh it Just past my mind that he works for a bar and might had a long night 

he answered groggily. 

hello whos this he asked

it is me josh Gavin sorry for calling so early i forgot you had late shift last night 

Its okay so whats up?

well i wanted to meet you maybe later to show me around work has been stressful lately and since you know this place and show me good time if your not busy at all i mean

sure let me just clean up quick and i will meet you there we can have breakfast together josh answered

thats a great idea okay see you soon just txt me when you near okay

okay bye with that josh end the call

i few mins later i recived a txt that he was near so i prepared my stuff waited and after a while, i heard a knock i opened the door and it was him

hi josh was wearing a yellow shirt beach shorts and was holding a basket 

i thought we were going to eat out i asked

yup he said before i get here i brought some stuff from the bar josh answered with a big smile

wont they miss those ??

nope this stuff are for employees as sometimes when we don't have time we eat there i asked the share of chara and some of my other workmates since they barely get to eat these and don't worry these are good stuff i should know i was assigned to make them as he was patting the basket 

okay then so where are me going then 

to the beach, of course, we are going to have a beach picnic he answered

well that explains the shorts 

yup so you get your swimwear okay as he ushered me back inside.

after a while, i packed my swimwear and we were off to the beach it was very quiet since it wasn't that popular and there was no long vacation it was peaceful and the weather was just right.

so we both set up our picnic cloth and we began eating he was right these were good i noticed that josh was staring at me.

is there something on my face i aksed?

no its just i never notice how good looking you are before you always looked so busy with life and seeing you all relaxed is new to  his eyes where warm and he was smiling happily at me 

Thanks i answered oh i forgot to ask do you have your bosses number?

why? josh looked perplexed on why was i asking it

oh because her son is coming and i have no way of contacting her and his son was also wanting an interview.

Oh... there was obvious sadness in his tone

i held his shoulder i will just send her a quick text and the faster this done the better i just want to relax this day with old best friend i ant to hear more of your stories sorry this is making you uncomfortable

 no its okay your right the faster the better so he gave me her bosses number and i sent a quick text and put my phone in my bag.

So anyways , as i stood up i said  want to go for a swim its shame to waste such an amazing day as i held my hand to him he grabbed my hand  and smile and  we were standing facing each other we where as tall as each other he was only a one or two inch taller then me we looked at each others eyes and he suddenly touch my face

ahmm anyways i moved back a little want to race?

sure he answered it was clear that there was something there 

so we ignored it for a while and ran to the sea and maybe talk about what was that later.

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