chapter 22

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The time has arrived to meet the man himself I made my notes to prepared for Mr. Norton keeping his boundaries as promised and with was Josh with this final interview I have all the pieces I need to finish this paper and maybe apply to a local one near my lovers place this was a happy thought and I heard my name called so I fixed myself and when josh stood up the secretary told us that I was the only one allowed so with a last look at josh and a hand squeeze of assurance that I will be okay I entered the room there sitting across me was Mr. Norton he looked older then imagined he greeted me with a firm hand shake he had kind face I guess that's how he got the votes after the shake he ushered me to take a sit when I we were both sited I began

So, I would like to ask you about this political dispute with your son what do you think of it I asked him

He smiled and answered I think it's a terrible thing for family to fight especially if solely for political reasons

I asked another one according to your son that you had done many people wrong especially concerning a Jackson a friend of your son that pushed him to ran against you.

His smiled disappeared I want this not to be on record

I nodded my head he said good I did that for his good as a father I wanted to the best of my son sure he went to me when he was older and I had a family off my own but he was still my son when I saw that person I knew he wasn't for him and yes I am aware of Lucas sexuality I do not condemn him for it but I wanted for him to see reason.

I answered but what about Jacksons family business he looked at me and said I guess Lucas didn't tell you that Business was deep in debt and wasn't paying the right taxes I knew Lucas was serious about that person but in the end was Jackson serious enough for him

I looked at the ground so your saying that this thing Lucas was doing has no more justification?

Yes, he answered clearly, I nodded again can I ask another off the record question sir? He didn't say anything so I took that for a yes

I know that you didn't want me to talk about ms,Mench but you loved each other didn't you so why you left her?

Sadness in his eyes were clear I did love her but my parents didn't want her she wasn't like us but with each word mr Norton said he sounded like he was convincing himself rather than me so I interjected it sounds like your position was like Lucas your parents also wanted you to see reason and I continued but I guess there was a difference in both of you as well Jackson didn't love Lucas as he did him while ms,Mench and still had feelings for each other.

With that Mr,Norton raised his eye brow she still have feeling for me? I told him that Ms,Mench also requested that I wont get to deep of hurting you

Mr,Norton chuckled same old Mench I coughed a little so anyways lets get back to professional

Of course, but mench told me stay away and seemed pretty mad at me I looked at him and but she seemed to care for you.

Curious let talk about that more later so I believe you have more questions for me about the race oh I answered of course for give so I asked away.

After the interview me and Josh left the office and called mica to meet with as to talk about my interview

While Josh and Mica talking about what I told them I began thinking about the relationship of the family Ms,Mench and Lucas and Mr,Norton they were kind of repeating the history especially with Lucas and Jackson something feels off I couldn't put my finger on it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Josh babe are you okay? Yes, just thinking Josh looked at me worryingly if anything is bothering you don't be shy to share it okay, I smiled and answered okay so I told them what was I thinking.

Josh and Mica looked at each other after sharing my thoughts then mica spoke up I think you have been working to hard I have a great Idea lets take Josh to a night out Josh eyes grew like a kid told he was getting what he wanted for Christmas and nudge my shoulder please Josh said with his best puppy eyes I smiled okay I think I have been overthinking it with that mica smiled a big one and said lets go the night is still young Josh and I stood up holding hands as we follow mica in his idea on a great night out.

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