Mr No Name

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"How could you do this?"
"Do what?"
"You know damn well what you have done...dammit!"
"Why the hesitation, darling?"
"I don't even want to say your name because your not a hero or a god, Jesus, you're not even A person, you coward."

V E R O N I C A  S A W Y E R

The hair. Damn. The eyes. Damn. The voice. Damn. All of this, yet no name.

So he's the new kid and of course Heather doesn't agree. She never agrees with anything! It's like she has some killer grasp over me; as much as I completely and utterly hate her, I find myself addicted to the freedom. No harassment or suffering, well not for me anyway. As much as I enjoy this part, I hate hurting other people. Why can't we just... get along? That would be beautiful...

This guy is different to anyone else though. He doesn't care about being popular or liked. He just wants to move on, move on from what he's lost and I get it. He must have left a lot behind to move here of all places, I mean this place is a shithole of society.

"Hey," broken from my trance by a familiar, irritating voice, barking dogs could not compare; saying that, she kind of looks like one sometimes. Everyone sees them all as beautiful but really, they're the ugliest people you could ever meet. If only people could be what they were on the inside, as beautiful as people are inside, they could be the most hideous people on the earth. So what does that make no name kid?

"Hello? Veronica??" Another call for assistance. They can do nothing themselves I swear. I follow them around all day like one of their slaves that their "billionaire" parents bought illegally! I'm sick to the stomach of being treated like a pawn.

"What is your damage?" I spin around, ready for whatever will face me. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm done with playing these ridiculous games. I'm done with these ridiculous people.
"Well," Heather Chandler, the absolute. Absolute bitch more like.
"Look what we have here," Heather Mcnamara, the rich one I guess, she's usually quite quiet but hey, she's got the money.
"Well," and Heather Duke, completely useless in every single way but hey, I guess three is the lucky number.
"Shut up, Heather! You just said exactly what I said!"
"Sorry Heather," I watch her lower her head in dismissal and roll my eyes at the repetitive scene that I see on a daily.
"So," Chandler averts her attention back to me. She folds her arms, shaking her head and smirking with that cliche red lipstick painted across her lips. Then again, what can I say, she does look perfect. Every outfit she wears is flawless and every accessory is gorgeously expensive. I guess that just means that inside she is hideous. "Who do you think you are snapping at me like that?"

Whilst thinking of a response, I somehow hear Mcnamera whisper "she snapped at all of us," under her breath, almost crying as she does. I wonder if Chandler knows that this is how she makes people feel. This is her damage! Her damage onto other people.
"Hellooo?" Heathers voice reminds me of my usual situation and I begin to rethink.
"I know who the hell I am, Heather! I'm just sick of your snapping!" I try to sound sassy, but not too much to get her mad. I need her friendship, as sad as it is sometimes, I need to survive this place as long as I can.
"I have the right to snap, Veronica! I think," she pauses to push a piece of paper and a pen into my chest, forcing me to lay my hand over it, so it doesn't fall once she lets go, "you need to remember your place." I can't believe how pathetic she truly is but, "Remember why you are here, Veronica, because you can be removed just as quickly."

I watch their hips sway as Duke and Mcnamera turn around, ready to walk away, then Chandler hands me more paper.
"What is this?" I ask before she leaves me clueless.
"It's a list of forged notes I need doing by the end of today, and make sure they're all incredibly similar," she turns away also, but keeps facing me as she winks and giggles before they all move away in unison.

I sigh and roll my eyes (I swear it's all my days consist of) before I drift back off into day dreaming. Mr No Name kid... could he get me out of this hellish coffin that I find myself trapped in? No, I would be nothing without Heather. She's right, oh god. I need something else to live for. Something that I don't have to kiss up to and carry around for. I need a new Heather. A Heather that can appreciate me for who I am. A Heather who could face the crowd. A Heather who could fight for me.

Maybe he could be my new Heather?

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