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Is it her hair? Her eyes? Her lips? God I don't know. But she's beautiful.

Sure I haven't spoken to her but I can just tell. She might just be the one to get me the hell out of this? How can I survive this shithole of a state? Everyone here is so... fake.

I watch as students walk around the cafeteria. Most of the girls have bleached their hair until it can't grown anymore and have put so much makeup on their face they look like an over rated doll. All the guys walk around pretending to be someone they're not. Acting like they're tough and that they've seen it all and done it all. Virgins! I laugh to myself as I sit in the corner of the room. And that's when they approach. Ugh! Social interaction.

"So," a goofy jock with a fucked up rack of teeth breathes his vile air into my face, "Who the hell are you?" He smirks at the friend who stands next to him, who stupidly laughs along. Looks like I'm gonna have to talk to both of these jerks now.
"I'm sorry, fellas," I try to be as polite as possible. You see, when you're nice, no one expects you to then give them a beating, "didn't mean to invade on whatever territory it is, that you are claiming," I stand, waving my hands at my side, "but, you two look like assholes so I'm just gonna let you deal with it yourselves," I smirk and begin to walk off. This is gonna get a reaction. I know it. They're the biggest jerks of the school and they're not gonna let someone like me slide off easily.
"Yo!" Their shout causes me to react and turn around, forced into two hands grabbing my coat. I find myself rolling my eyes again and laughing.
"Kurt, what is he laughing at?" The one with his grasp on me asks, confused to his clearly stupid friend who just gives an unsatisfying shrug.
"I don't know but," he hesitates before turning back into his unrealistic character, "you hold him, bro!" And with that I take a punch to the face. This doesn't stop me from laughing but only causes me to spit the blood from my mouth into this "Kurt's" face, which causes him to turn away while I decide to beat the shit out of his little friend.

I believe in don't hit a man when he's down, so once I'm done with one I move onto another but after fighting them off for so long it gets a little boring. Quickly, I scan the room. She's not here. I watch her walk as quickly as she can out of the room, papers in her hand and her head almost dug into the floor.  Looks like I can use this then. I reach into my pocket and pull it out as I turn back around to the two dickheads standing behind me.
"Woah, bro, come on!" One of them raises his hands, causing the other to do the same.
"You know what, bro?" I laugh stepping closer, "I think the world would be a better place without you two!"
"No! Please, bro, just chill!"
"Just chill? You want me to "just chill"! I don't know, you two seem like assholes to me," I look away, hearing their pleading for me not to go through with my obvious action. "Too late!" I stop their irritating voices, "I've already made up my mind!"
*bang bang*

I put my unloaded gun back into my back pocket and leave the two on the floor, behind me as I walk away. I've had enough for today so I leave. Yeah, I leave school. I don't want to do it today. Besides, they would probably get me either way and send me back home so, might as well do them a favour.

I throw my leg over my motorcycle and begin to drive home. And with that, beautiful girl creeps into my mind again. She's the only one in the entire school who doesn't walk around like she's someone else. She's herself no matter what. I mean, her friends look like absolute jerks but she's not one bit like them. So how does she fit? I've been through so many schools but I've never seen someone who doesn't fit in as much as I do. She's alone in this school and so am I so... maybe I could give it a try, beautiful girl?

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