Don't fail me Sonic

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_ Previously in Another World_

xotic: it's xotic, and now you made me like you even more maybe i will turn you into a slave, or Enjoy torturing you.. *evil giggles*

_Amy's monologue_

Amy: sonic please show up like you always do and help me get out of here *cries*

_End monologue_


xotic: oh yeah, i have almost forgot I hacked your watch and you you fall right into my tarp honey..

Amy: *getting angry*Do not.. call.. me honey!! you stupid assh*le!!

xotic: oh you need to be careful of every word you bring out of your beautiful mouth, cause you may get me mad and that would make me end up your life quickly ..

_Amy's monologue_

Amy: this hedgehog is a complete pervert, i need to get myself out of here before things gets worse,and since when sonic asks for help! I really can't believe that i fall for that video i saw of sonic in my watch, i wasn't myself how stupid i was..

_End monologue_

Meanwhile with tails

*tails woke up searching for Amy and shadow because none of them were at their beds, he noticed a written note from shadow saying that Amy was acting strange last night and he figured that she heard the conversation between Tails and him and when he decided to go a check on her she left with her ship somewhere, he thought that he will lose sight of her if he went back to wake tails up so, he followed her on his own*

Tails: oh gosh! i need to follow them as soon as possible!

Meanwhile with Shadow

*shadow used his flying boots to follow Amy & landed somewhere near the base*

Shadow: hmm.. that's her footsteps but, someone else was here too.. I don't like this, i better hurry up and find her *flies away*

With sonic

Sonic: certainly the signal is coming from down there in the forest, but why this stairs are here in the middle of the forest?? how strange! gotta keep going, Amy is there alone no one knows what is he going to do to her..

Sonic: certainly the signal is coming from down there in the forest, but why this stairs are here in the middle of the forest?? how strange! gotta keep going, Amy is there alone no one knows what is he going to do to her

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With Amy

_Amy's monologue_

Amy: Just when i was about to gave up i remembered that i am wearing the bracelet  tails created for me, that's right he said something about giving more power, but how in the world this bracelet works, oh god! if i only listened to what he was philosophizing about i would have known how to use it..

wait a minute.. i feel the power flowing through my veins, if i can only use it to break this... oh?

_End monologue_

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