Bye, bye Sonic

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_Previously in Another World_

Sonic: why are you doing this Amy? stop this joke immediately *he hold her arm but she pushed him to fall on the ground*

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Sonic: why are you doing this Amy? stop this joke immediately *he hold her arm but she pushed him to fall on the ground*

Amy: it's your turn sonic, why you look tired are you afraid of me honey??


Meanwhile with Tails & Shadow

Tails: what is this?

Shadow: what's wrong?

Tails: I am sensing a dark energy coming from the same place Amy's in!

Shadow: this is bad we need to find her quickly

Tails: wait a minute.. i see red stairs over there, how odd is that!

Shadow: let's check it out, i will race you there

Tails: ok, i will be right behind you

_With Sonic & Amy_

_sonic monologue_

Sonic: this is diffidently not the Amy i know, i better get off her way before she crashes me with her hammer or shoot me with her gun.

_End monologue_

*sonic runs away*

Amy: oh, so you decided to run away from me? how rude is that! but believe me you won't be able to run away for long my dear, this place is like a maze, even if you run for hours you will still get back to the point you ran off from *evil giggles*

  _sonic monologue_

Sonic: if she catches me, i will be screwed!

_End monologue_

_Back With Tails & Shadow_

*shadow's talking to tails using his communicator watch*

Shadow: hey tails you need to see this, there is a place underground, it's a lab! 

Tails: keep going shadow

Shadow: crap!, i need a key pass to enter the lab

Tails: wait, i just landed & i am only 10 steps away from you!

Shadow: alright hurry up

*he is finally with shadow*

Tails: step aside i will crack it! 

Shadow: i hope you know what you are doing!

Tails: trust me i know, Alright i am done * doors opened* let's go 

Shadow: oh yeah~

Tails: this place is like a maze, it' so huge!

Shadow: where do you think we should start searching?

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