Part 1

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//I am writing  a new story!

I really love Gravity Falls so I thought I should write one of my own and from reading other Fanfics, I have all the info I need. I got inspired to write this from a video I watched.

Hope you enjoy!//


Gravity Falls has changed a lot in 4 years. Mabel and Dipper are back for another summer, and they have changed  the most.

Mabel is still the weird, crazy and funny Mabel we all know and love, but she has grown. she is a lot more taller and very beautiful. A lot of man come running to her and its natural beauty, but she doesn't really care, she just wants to have a good time with her friends! (but she still gets a crush on everyone she see's)

Dipper, he has gotten tall, more smart, a whole of a lot stronger, puberty helped him in a good way. Unless you take his shape, he has a bit of a feminem form. People still see him as a boy, of course, but he sometimes can be mistaken him as a girl. Which he doesn't care really, it doesn't happen often but it can get annoying.


I and Mabel were on the bus to Gravity Falls, Mabel was jumping in her seat and I was writing in his journal.

"I can't wait, Dipper! do you think Grunkle Ford and Stan will be here?", right Ford and Stan go adventuring when we are not here but they always come back to visit us by the summer. "of course! Mabel, they always come for the summer", I said. She nods and looks out the window.

I went back to my journal, its just like Fords but its blue and has a pinetree on the front. I started writing  my own, Ford became my mentor and I work with him, but I do have a quest or a mystery with Mabel now and then.

"look! Dipper the sign!", Mabel points to the Gravity Falls welcome sign. The bus stops at the bus stop and Everyone is here!

Our Grunkles, Candy, Grenda, Wendy and Gideon!! holy- shit he's hot?! Did I forget to mention that I'm Gay, will Bi . They all have changed.

"girls!", Mabel runs and gives Candy and Grenda a big hug. Wendy and I swap hats "sup Dipper", she waves taking her hat and gives me mine, I normally don't wear her hat but only sometimes. "hey Wendy", Wendy is like 21 or something, she still works at the Mystery Shack and I'm way over her now.

"why don't you come and greet your Grunkles", I hear a gruff voice say. I turn and see Stan. Mabel and I give them both a big hug "we missed you, we missed all of you!", Mabel shouts. I laugh and nod.

We all go to the Shack and there's  a party set up, with all the town folk. We spread up and do your own thing. I was standing by the food, Soos and melody are living on there own, Soos still runs the Shack but he doesn't live in it. He keep that for us when we come and visit and our Grunkles.

I pretty much was just saying hi to everyone, until I bumped into a soft golden hair, "Dipper!?", I look up and see Pacifica! she looks so different, "oh sorry about that Pacifica", I look at her, we are about the same hight "no problem, so how have you been?", she asked.

"I've been okay, my dad is being a jerk tho", she grumbles. I grin "well he can't push you around", She smiles "yea I know but he's just annoying", she sighs. I side hug her "you will always have me and Mabel here for you, you know that right?",

Over the past three years we have been here, me and Pacifica have became best friends, we tell each other everything, she will rant about her dad, I would tell her about my bullies (of course he will have bullies) and we just hang out, but normally Pacifica and I will hang with Mabel, Candy and Grenda, but I haven't see Gideon and awhile though.

We are packing up the party and everyone is going home, after saying good bye the everyone, we went inside. "Okay, you two will not be sharing rooms anymore!", Grunkle Stan shouts.

"Mabel can go to the spare room and Dipper you can go to the attic", Stan said. I nodded, Mabel say thanks and rushes to the room.

I was about to go to but ford dragged me to his lab. We have been researching different things in here, one of them is Bills statue. "whats wrong, Grunkle Ford?", I notice all day he was being paranoid and not really talking to anyone but Stan.
"Dipper remember when we first brought Bills status here?", he asked. I nodded "will the strong paranormal energy that we picked up from it is gone!", My eyes widened "wait doesn't that mean Bill is alive and free?!", Ford nodded grimly. You see Bill didn't really die or disappears he was just trapped in the statue, we didn't tell anyone because we wanted to find a way to seal him in their but we couldn't find anything for three years now he is free!

We got to the room where the statue is and there is a big crack by the eye.

"I found it like this when I arrived this morning, I don't know why he hasn't attacked yet", he started to mumble "maybe he needed to get his powers back or regenerate?", I thought out loud. "It could be possible, keep you eyes pealed ok, and be careful", I nodded and left the lab.

Where is Bill? is he going to attack? or is he going to do something worse?!

I walked into my room for the summer, I plopped on my bed and sighed , lets hope nothing Bill isn't evil... wha? were did that come from?

I look around and shrugged. I'm tired, I need sleep. I changed and fell right to sleep.

----------------In the Mindscape---------------------------------------------------

"well well well, Pinetree and Shooting Star are back in town, its so much better with them here",

Bill was watching Dipper sleep (not creepy at all) from where he is. He is in his Human form, why, because, all Demons have their original form and a human one and Bill even tho he loves his triangle form is in his Human form for what he has planned HAHAHAHA! and his brother forced him into it.

Bill has been free for awhile now, before Ford and Dipper thought he was trapped in the statue, nope! he was in the mindscape the whole time, the paranormal energy was just Bill messing around with them.

Bill is over his insane killing phase, he now just wants to have fun.

"Bill!, get your sorry ass here right now!!!", someone yells. Bill pales "oh shit I know who that is", Bill jumps and fly's away from where the voice came from but just crashes into someone. Bill tumbled and gets grabbed by the collar of his shirt, he looks at the person to see Tad Strange "h-hey Tad h-hows it going?", Bill says nervously. Tad scowls and gives Bill a nice punch to the face "you know whats up Bill, you are here lazying around when your supposed to be collecting Deals! I can't do it all the time! I know you are depressed right know but you have to get your act together!", Tad yells. "I'm not depressed?!", Bill shouts getting out of Tads hold.

"sure you aren't look Bill we are friends and friends help each other, so lets make a deal?", Bill perks up "really what?", Tad smirked to easy. "I propose you go to Gravity Falls and make friends  with the people who defeated you?", Bill pales "w-w-what!? I can't they will kills me! Ford will shoot me on the spot!?", he panics. "they don't know how your human form looks like you idiot", Tad stats. Bill blinks and laughs sheepishly "right right", he mumbles.

"so do we have a deal?", Tad asks putting his hand up, it lights up in purple flames. Bill thinks for a second "whats the catch?", he asks, Tad smiles "if you can't make friends with them you come back to the mindscape and do your job, if you do make friends with them, I will continue doing it", Bill puts his hand by his chin thinking, he then shrugs and grads Tads arm "we have a deal!", the flames increases and the deal is sealed. "I will see you later my friend", Tad then disappears.

Bill laughs "this will be easy!", he shouts. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, next chapter will be better I hope.

The deal that Tad just made is confusing right, if anyone can guess what he is up to tell me in the comments!

This Bill is a little more mature don't you think?


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