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New Chapter!//


I stared at Bill, who fell asleep as soon as he said he had a brother. Millions of thoughts clouded my mind. Bill has a brother! and a twin at that!? He did say his human form is his original form, but him having a twin? what did he mean by its his fault? what happened?

Bill was still blue. His hair was a lighter blue then it was before. I will have to ask him when he wakes up. Its still night. I leaned back. Making  sure not to wake up the sleeping demon and got comftuble. and slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to sobbing. Remembering last nights events. I opened my eyes and search the room. Bill wasn't next to me. I looked over the the bathroom. I pushed off my bed and walked over to the bathroom door. Bill was there crying his eyes out. He was sobbing a storm. His hair was a dark blue with his clothes. I didn't even know I was moving until I found my self hugging the blue demon. Bill latched onto me and cried into the crook of my neck. I patted his back and played with his hair. Calming him down a little.

Minutes past and Bill pulled back. His eyes were red and puffy. he looked at me. I hated see him like this. In the short time Bill has been here he has been the best thing to happened to me. and I don't like seeing him sad.

I got Bill off the floor and took him to my bed. We sat in silence. Bill took in a deep breath.

"I look so much like him.... he had blue hair and was always wearing something blue. like I wear yellow. Those were our colors...", He started to tear up. "I looked into the mirror and all I saw was him! I miss him so so much! I can't live with my self of what I did to him!", I really wanted to see Bills smug smile. I hugged him and he buried  his face into my chest. Even if he is taller than me, But it works.

I pulled Bill away to look at him. He refused to look at me "Bill", I said slowly. He looked at me, then looked away in shame "Heh look at me! crying in a mortal's arms... how weak I have become...", he scoff. "Bill...", I tried to put my hand on his shoulder but he hit my hand away.

He got up and walked to the door "I just need to be alone...", he muttered. His hair was not blue anymore but a orange. I nodded and he left.

Sitting in silence, again. I stood up and got dressed. I put on and black science T-shirt and some brown jeans and a red flannel jacket.

I walked down stairs to the shop. I found Mabel by the cashier counter. I looked over at the time to see it was nearly 12. Mabel saw me and smiled "Finally awake! you sleepyhead!", She laughed. I nodded "Bill had a nightmare last night, I helped him calm down", Mabel seemed worried. "Is he okay? I saw him storm past? he looked angry?", I looked at the door where some tourist were coming in. I shook my head "he said he wanted to be alone, I will tell you later", Mabel nodded and helped a customer. I saw Soos leading a tour. I wonder when Grunkle Ford and Stan will come back?

I went to the kitchen to grad a banana for a quick breakfast. When I came back to the shop, after I threw away the banana peel. I helped a few tourists. After Mabel said goodbye to some poor attractive boy who I'm sure is traumatized by Mabel's flirting. I tall and when I say tall. I mean flipping TALL!! She was at least seven foot tall! She had blond hair and red eyes?! maybe its contacts? she was wearing a light green zip-up jacket that had one yellow strips at the middle, with short brown pants, and knee-high boots that were pink with black laces. She had to bend down to get inside.

A squeal brought me back to earth. Mabel had star's in her eyes looking at this women (Mabel is bi) but she was looking at her pink boots. Before I could stop her. Mabel jumped over the counter to the lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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