Part 5

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Ariel lay in her bed in her shorts and t shirt as she heard Dustin come home and head to his bedroom. She gets up to ask how it went but when she listened to the door she heard strange voices coming from inside.

She opened the door and Dustin spun around with wide eyes

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She opened the door and Dustin spun around with wide eyes.

"What's that?" She moved closer to his tank where his turtle usually is.


"Dusty let me see" he sighed and moved to the side so she could see. Ariel bent down to the tank to see this little creature she had never seen before.

"Dusty where did you find this thing?"

"It was outside in the trash, I couldn't just leave it" he explained as she examined the creature.

"That is not normal"


Ariel pulled up like normal and as she walked it of the car park a car came screeching towards her and stopped suddenly at her feet. She turned to the car and saw Billy sat in the drivers seat staring at her smirking. She raised her middle finger at him as Max got out of the car.

"Hey max" she smiled

"Your Ariel right" she nodded

"Yeah I'm Dustins sister" Ariel smiled

"Yeah I know, I think everyone knows who you are" she got on her skateboard and rode away.

Billy parked up and Ariel waited until he got out.

"You know you could've hit me" she folded her arms.

"You're too hot for me to want to hit you with my car" he smirked walking closer to her.

"Damn right I am" she walked away putting her glasses over her eyes.

She walked down the hallway with everyone greeting her just like any other day until she sees Nancy closing her locker so she stops by it.

"Hey Nanc are you ok after last night?" Ariel asked her

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not remember?" Ariel furrowed her eyes

"I remember going to the party and seeing you, I got drunk and Steve got mad at me for it and he drove me home" she shrugged

"Nancy I think you broke up with Steve last night, you said you didn't love him and it's all bullshit" Ariel explains to her.

"I didn't mean that! I was drunk"

"I think you need to find Steve because he thinks otherwise"


It was time for gym and as usual Ariel got dressed into her short shorts and t shirt ready for track until she sees Nancy walking into the gym.

"Hey you talked to steve?"

"I'm about to! Steve" She shouts as they boys are playing basket ball. Her eyes are instantly drawn to Billy who again had his shirt off playing for skins whilst Steve was a shirts.

As Steve and Nancy left Ariel stood there as Billy jogged over. Ariel rolled her eyes and looked to the bleachers seeing many girls sat there watching Billy.

"That's was a hell of a kiss last night Henderson" he stood in front of her.

"Yeah well don't get comfortable it's a one time thing" she folds her arms

"I don't think so" he smirked

"You don't?"

"No there will be lots more than one" he breathes heavily as the sweat beads down his torso.

"Wanna bet-" he pulled her away from the others again for a long hard kiss. She didn't even try to pull away as she melted right into it. He reached round her waist and cupped her butt in his hands squeezing it making her moan quietly before pulling away.

"You're seriously gonna get me all worked up and leave" he called after her.

"Go play some basketball, work it off" she ran off outside as Billy watched her before heading back into the game.

Ariel Henderson (Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington)Where stories live. Discover now