Part 7

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Everyone leaves the school and watched as Joyce took Will home in her car.

"That's 2 episodes in 2 days" Mike spoke first

"You think it's true sight?" Lucas asked

"What's true sight?" Mac asked

"Nothing" they shook it off.

"Right lets go!" Ariel told them

"We got our bikes" Mike and Lucas told her.

"Dustin Max let's go" she told them walking off. Max looked at Dustin confused

"You best do as she says, she can get real pissy" Dustin told her

Once everyone was in the car Max told them where she lives and started to drive to her house.

"You didn't have to drive me you know, I could have skated" Max told her

"Yeah but that would have taken you ages and it's not safe alone" Ariel explained in a stern voice.

They arrived at her house and Ariel got out with her and took her to the door and a tall man opens it.

"Max there you are" he smiled

"Sorry dad I was helping my friends with their homework and Ariel said she'd give me a ride" she explained

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"Sorry dad I was helping my friends with their homework and Ariel said she'd give me a ride" she explained

"Hi Im Ariel I'm Dustins big sister, I hope that's ok I didn't want her to skate home" Ariel smiled. She had a way with parents, they always trusted her.

"Thank you That's very thoughtful of you" he smiled

"Don't worry about it" Ariel turned back to her car. As she did she saw Billy's car pull up behind hers and he jumped out and she rolled her eyes.

"Hey Henderson" he calls

"What do you want Billy?" She turned to him

"Can't stay away from me can you" he smirked

"Actually I gave Max a ride since you decided to leave with Claire Noel's" she smiled sarcastically.

"Someone jealous?"

"I don't like guys who play with girls like they're toys so no I'm not jealous Billy. Cya" she walked around the car and got in driving away.

"What did he want?" Dustin asked

"Advice on Maths" she smiled to him.

"Anyway this thing you call Dart What is he?" She asked him

"Well I looked up in all the books and couldn't find anything and then Will remembered he's seen one before and it got away and that's when we lost Will" he explained to her.

"Wow! That's a lot"

"Tell me about it!"


Ariel lays in bed thinking about all of the events that day. Since last year nothing had been normal for the whole group, she wished for once they could have a normal school year with nothing that isn't relationship or school problems.

"Ariel! Ariel someone's on the phone for you!" Her mum shouts making her groan and her up. She walked slowly to the phone and rubbed her eyes.

"This better be important!" She snapped

"Ariel! It's Jim Hopper I need your help....."

Ariel Henderson (Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington)Where stories live. Discover now