Ch. 3

229 6 5

Published on: 4/16/19

Kimi POV

I thought Tenzo's plan was good but I knew it wasn't going to work. First, I doubt Sasori-nii even had a spy because everyone who works for Orochimaru is loyal to him. I'm pretty sure that whoever was the spy, is actually a fake spy and this is a trap. I voice my thoughts to Tenzo and he agreed with me. "So how about we changed the plan a little. I imitate Sasori-san since I know him better, and you guys stand-watch for anything. If he attacks me, I can also fight back in Sasori-sans's way of fighting since I'm also a puppet master." Tenzo thought about it and nodded "Alright then. Sakura and I will make one team and Naruto and Sai will make another. You will be the decoy and we see what happens from there." He said loud enough for the others to hear "Why am I on a team with him?" Naruto asked angrily. Tenzo gave him the creepy glare that he used to give me. After years of being around it, I got used to it and even scared him with a death glare of my own. Me being his captain also helps a lot. After seeing the glare, Naruto gave in and we continued to talk about what each team would do. "Sakura, you being one of the medical ninjas on this, and seeing as Kimi will not be able to heal us, we can't afford you getting injured. So you'll be staying by my side." Tenzo said and Sakura agreed. The planning went on for hours on end until we finally were able to sleep. I hate long planning but Tenzo has always been better at planning than I was. Sure I was great with it, but there is always someone better. In this case, Tenzo is better. I closed my eyes and slept.

~The Next Day while setting up the plan~

We were training for the attack to bring the spy in for questioning. I know this is a trap but there is a chance that this could work so I let them try it. Right now, Sai and Naruto are having a hard time getting along to be able to work together. Once we ended the practice, Naruto grabbed Sai's jacket and yelled: "You bastard!" Sai looked at him confused "What?" "Have you ever heard the word "friend"?" Naruto asked angrily. Sai took out a scroll and wrote the word friend on it and showed it to Naruto "Of course I have. What about it?" I sighed in frustration. This is why I hate working with ex-Anbu Root members. They are so emotionally deprived that they don't understand socialism. "That's not what I meant, you..." Naruto started but Sakura interrupted "Calm down Naruto," Sai started talking again "Don't blame me for your shortcomings." "What?!" Naruto said getting even angrier "If you hadn't been so easily provoked by the Captain, he wouldn't have noticed that I was hiding." Does he really believe that? Even I noticed he was hiding. "And it would have been much easier to catch him," was it even possible for Sai to get Naruto even angrier "What're you getting at?" "Even though you turned into me, the moment you used one of your unique techniques, it became obvious that it was really a shadow clone. And that, in turn, revealed our plan, prompting the Captain to use substitution and retreat into the forest." Naruto looked ar Tenzo and Tenzo nodded confirming what Sai had said. I zoned out everything else in their argument until I saw Naruto walking away from Sai. "Naruto, Sai. Come sit in front of me," I ordered.

"Why?" Naruto asked. "Because I said so. Get both your stubborn asses over here and sit in front of me," I said getting angry. I calmed down when they both sat in front of me but apart from each other. "Naruto, whether you like it or not, Sai is your teammate and is a part of Team Kakashi just like you and Sakura. You two have to work together for this mission and until Tsunade says so. Sai, if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it. I don't like working with ex-Anbu Root members because they are so emotionally deprived that they don't know how to socialize. No offense Yamato," I said and Tenzo just nodded "Naruto, you don't have to accept Sai as a friend but you do have to accept his as a teammate and a comrade. Sai, after this mission and the other thing that is going to happen when we get back, I will personally help you in socializing so you don't sound like an asshole when you're trying to be nice. Trust me, Yamato and dad used to be the same way so I'll help you. That being said, if you two don't get your act together and start getting along then this mission is a failure and I will do it on my own even if Tsunade doesn't like it," I said to them and they nodded and left. I was getting very tired of their fighting. I looked at them and saw that Sai was starting a fight again. I know he doesn't mean to but this is ridiculous. "I wonder what Sasuke would have done in this situation. Would he have fought while protecting you? After all, you consider him a friend and a member of Team Kakashi, right?" Naruto turned slowly to look at Sai. Sakura and I knew that if Sai didn't control himself, then something bad was going to happen. "That is if you can still call someone who betrayed his village and hurt you a friend," I was about to hurt Sai but I heard Naruto growl. Tenzo got ready to restrain him but what he said surprised us "I'd do anything to save my friends," he said and turned around fully to look at Sai "Even team up with you." I was proud of what he said and smiled. Naruto continued to walk and Sai asked: "Why does he care about Sasuke-Kun so much?" I sighed and answered before Sakura could "Because Sasuke and Naruto are like brothers. Naruto has always been alone and hated by the village but subconsciously both of them respected each other, even in the academy. Naruto and Sasuke accepted each other after their first mission with Zabuza when Sasuke took on hits to save Naruto. Naruto, believing Sasuke to be dead, got pissed and attacked the person they were fighting. They have been like brothers ever since. Those two have a bond that not even Sasuke himself can sever. No matter how much he tries." I said and took out the food to eat since it was lunchtime. I made five serving before calling everyone to come to eat. We all ate in peace until it was about 1:30 in the afternoon and it was time for the rendezvous to happen.

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