Truce? (Chapter 1) (ErrorInk) (ATT)

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Error and Ink had been fighting for hours, Dream and Blue were tied some area apart from them. Dream would continuesly yell out of fear one of the two would hurt eachother, or even kill. But Blue kept trying to reassure dream,

"Dream! It'll be Alright, Ink can't die because he doesn't have a soul, and Ink wouldnt dare kill anybody, even Error!" Blue Explained

"That's the thing, Error could find a way to kill h-"

"Shut Up You too!" Error yelled

"Shut your mouth!" Ink yelled to Error "Leave them out of this!"

"Come On Stupid Squid, just give up!" Error huffed

"Already tired, glitchy?~" Ink giggled

"No!" Error Laughed

Ink ran up to Error and used one of his attacks, slowly taking one HP each swing. Error would also try to dodge, but Ink is way swifter than him. Dream would keep trying to escape the blue strings Error had wrapped around them. After so long of them fighting, Error had trapped Ink is his strings! Ink tried to break the strings and set himself free, but Errors strings just got stronger and tighter.

"Gah-, Error! Let me- GO!" Ink struggled to break free

"Hah- no!" Error Laughed

Ink lowered his head, giving up on trying to even escape. It looked as if the bravery in him had just....... Disappeare

"Error, what the heck did you do to Ink!" Dream yelled, still trying to escape

"Oh Nothing, I guess He Gave Up!" Error giggled

"Stop laughing, you know you could have killed him!?" Dream yelled, he looked like he'd had enough

"What, no! I wouldn't Kill Him!" Error admitted

"I thought you were one of the bad guys?" Dream said, to annoy him

"I am!" Error yelled

"Then why haven't you killed us?" Dream asked

"I have standards!" Error hallord

"Okayyyyyyy" Dream said, trying to cut the strings

Error loosed the grip of the strings on everybody, the strings zipping up into the ceiling. Ink gasped for air as he fell, coughing up some type if red liquid. Error offered his hand to help him get up. Ink looked up and grabbed his hand, getting up. He wiped off the red liquid, right before Dream and Blue stormed over and hugged Ink.
Ink struggled to get back to Error, once the two loosened their grip on him, he walked over to Error. He was looking away from Ink, half his face stuffed in his blue scarf. Ink put his hand on his shoulder, with a smile.... It was obviously a forgiving smile.

"Don't Forgive me....... i don't Deserve it" Error sighed, pushing Inks hands away

"I want to call a truce" Ink Sighed

"What?!" Error yelled, stepping back

"No more fighting, its getting out of hand" Ink turned his hand into a fist

"I just want to be friends!" Ink said, putting his fist to his torso

Error had to think, they'd been in so many fights, just to forget and be friends, that be nearly impossible! Error lowered his scarf to speak, but no words came out. He had no words, he was speechless. Error quickly teleported away. he was already angry enough at Ink, he didn't want to accidently hurt him. Again......

But it was right then Error noticed that it wasn't just hatred. there was also another feeling, it made him feel content, but awkward too. Is this the feeling Ink had when colors first met his eye? No, it couldn't have been. But the sensation was nice, it sometimes made him blush, It was triggered when he thought of Ink. Laughing at his stupidity

After The Truce (ATT) (Errorink) (Discontinued Due To Being Old)Where stories live. Discover now