A Important Question (Chapter 10) (Errorink) (ATT)

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"Errorrr! Wake upppp!" Ink yelled

"Why?" Error groaned

"Because im bored." Ink admitted

"What do you think we're supposed to do?" Error got up and stretched out his arms

"Play a board game?" Ink suggested "Or watch TV?"

"I don't have a t-" Erro kmr tried to say, but Wes interrupted by a TV landing on him

"You do now!" Ink smiled

"Owwww" Error groaned, placeing the TV on the ground

"Sorry Error should've landed it on the bed" Ink sympathetically said, barely being able to pick up the TV and place it on the bed

Ink went to Errors chest to where the TV hit, he observed the area for broken bones, bruises,scrapes, ect. Error pushed Ink away, he was obviously blushing.

"To close, Ink" Error growled, putting his legs up and basically glued them to his chest

"I can get closer-" Ink playfully said, sitting on the couch

"What?!" Error said, scooting back.

"Im messing with you , Silly Goose!" Ink giggled "I wouldn't dare get to close."

"Yeah, right!" Error growled, putting his legs down and over the side of the couch

"True-" ink Giggles, sitting on Errors lap. "But are you alright?"

*gLiTcHeD sCrEaMiNg* "INNNK!" Error yelled, his face was basically full yellow

"What am I too clos- ohhhh" Ink asked, then looked down, his face slowly began to blush.

"AH! OH MY GOD! IM SORRY ERROR!" Ink jumped up, scrambling to the other side of the couch.

"Did you really not fuc*ing notice where you sat!" Error hissed

"Sorry." Ink apologized

Ink has brought his legs up and huggers them close to his chest, just in case Error attacked him. He glaced up and realized Error didn't seem mad or was uncapable of attacking Ink right now.

"I didn't- I didn't really think about sitting on you thourally, I didn't really think about THAT" Ink blushed

"Just don't again, alright" Error growled

Ink got up for a second, he then walked over to Errors bad and sat. It seemed he was thinking about something serious.

Error sat next to Ink, he looked away from him though. Ink looked at him, his eye had formed a purple heart, he smiled and as he thought about how lucky Error is to have a soul. Ink noticed he was blushing and quickly covered his face with his scarf, his voice was muffled to the point it could barely be heard.

"What?" Error said

"What, what?" Ink said, he seemed confused

"You said something!" Error hissed

"What?! No!" Ink hissed back

"Ugh- Fine. Be stubborn." Error growled

"Alright then!" Ink huffed, looking away.

They both angerly looked away from eachother, angerly shooting a hissing glare when they went back to take a look at the other. This went on for what could be presumed some minutes, but was innterupted by Nightmare angerly stepped through some kind of portal, Killer,Dust, and Horror behind him.

"Wheres. The. Last. Coke." They hissed

Error quickly jumped over the bed and grabbed the coke, he ran back to Ink and placed his available hand on his shoulder. He teleported immediately.

"THAT'S how you got the pop?!" Ink demanded for an answer

"First idea that popped into mind." Error chuckled

"You could've just went to Grillby's and added it to UT Sans tab?" Ink replied

"Ive already put $200 dollars worth of chips in his tab, so I didn't want to charge more." Error responded "It Would've been unfair."

"Is it the only thing?" Ink asked

"What else could I possibly be drinking?" Error hissed

"I dunno, Alcohol?" Ink confusingly said

"What?! You know I wouldn't dare!" Error hissed louder

"That'd explain why you attacked me before-" Ink scardly responded

"I was Angry, Alright!" Error growled

"I understand that." Ink said

"Just, leave me alone for a bit." Error sighed

Error sat down and covered half of his face with his scarf, while resting his chin on his knees. Ink could hear his growled voice hiss his name from a mile away. Ink wanted to break the silence but didn't have any idea's but one. He knew it'd work, but it may make Error super angry. So Ink decided to wait 'till a bit once he cooled down some.

After some time Ink got bored, he could also hear that Error had calmed down. So Ink was gonna launch his idea Into action, hope it works.....

Ink ran over to Error and hugged him from behind, I stopped and smiled so he'd face me. He turned around not to long later and had a confused look on his face.

Ink hugged Error and softly kissed his cheekbone, giving him a smiled after. Error blushed and giggled of surprise.

"That was my only idea to break the silence and awkwardness" Ink laughed

"But you usually have more idea's than just one." Error pointed out

"Thats with Art, idiot." Ink joked

"And battle tragedy's" Error replied

"Good point." Ink said

"Have you ever thought about not having your paintbrush in battle?" Error asked

"No, why wouldn't I have it?" Ink said, he seemed kinda offended

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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