The First Sign (Chapter 2) (ErrorInk) (ATT)

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Error sat, cold as a rock under snow. He  had no idea what to think of Ink, hatred or caring? These deep thoughts wouldn't leave his head, he couldn't stop thinking of Ink. After what felt like hours, Ink had came through the glitched entetance to Outertale that Error came through. Error didn't even look over, the words he would always say if someone entered from his glitched entrances.

"Hello, welcome to chillies" Error giggled

Error expected it to be either Nightmare or anybody except Ink, so he expected a "What the heck?" but the response was different, unexpected actually.

"Gah- hah,hah,, really Error?" Ink laughed

Ink came over to Error and sat next to him, This made Error have to look over, he did so and scooted back a bit, shocked that out of everybody in all the universe Ink was the one to walk though.

"What do you want Squid?" Error said, looking back into space
"I still want a truce" Ink sighed

"I-I Erm-" Error tried to respond

"You can destroy suffering Au's and ill protect the healthy ones" Ink interrupted

"Hah, there's No fun in that!" Error giggled

"Error,there are countless lives in 1 Au" Ink sighed

"Oh Really now?" Error laughed

"Yes! So many lives that are unique, that would just be forgotten!" Ink seemed saddened

"Nothing matters, So why do you even try?" Error rolled his eyes

"Because their are so many innocent lives that are worth saving, pure and selfless," Ink looked at the ground

"I was never a pure soul" Error sighed

"So? Don't you want others to be pure?" Ink asked

"Does It Look Like I give a Frick?" Error
Looked kinda annoyed

"No....." Ink sighed, he looked away

Error looked at the splotch of ink on Inks face. Error started scratching at it, to see it would fall off or even chip off. Ink quickly turned, his face was a light shade of rainbow, Ink suddenly looked away. He covered his face with his scarf to hide the blush, but that made it more obvious.

"Why were you blushing?" Error asked

"You were touching my face!" Ink looked back

"I was curious about the ink splotch On Your Face!" Error growled

"Unless You want payback?" Error giggled

Error grabbed Ink's hand and put it on the side of his, making Ink blush alot

"E-Error, what the heck!?" Ink stumbled on his words

A feeling had overcame Ink, it felt as there was another presence in OuterTale. But he was still shocked in what Error had done, there was a quick flash.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Nightmare giggled, hiding the phone he's holding

Error was shocked by Nightmares voice being present, Error turned and let go of Inks arm. Ink and Error both looked at him, embarresed.

"Did I interrupt something?" Nightmare giggled

"i-I-i UuUmMmM i........." Error was speechless

"Hah- I knew you loved him !" Nightmare started laughing uncontrollably
"I-I-I What!" Ink yelled, his whole face was rainbow

"Ill let 'chu to continue, ba bai." Nightmare laughed, walking out

"Wait no, Nightmare!" Ink Yelled

"Ugh, im sorry Squid........." Error sighed

"We need to stop Nightmare, before he spreads the rumor!" Ink said

Ink started to run to his paintbrush so he could teleport to Nightmare, But Error stopped him. Error wrapped his arms around Inks stomach, Forcing him to stop. He pushed Ink into his chest, Ink trying to escape his grasp. Ink kept on trying to push his arms away but it was no use, and he knew Error wouldn't let go.

"E-Error, let go of me!" Ink trying to force him to let go

"No, Your not leaving!" Error yelled

"Why not!?" Ink said, looking back with confused but slightly angry

"I still Need To Talk To You!" Error said, the grasp turned into a hug

"What are you-?" Inks eyes widened

"I need to talk To You......'" Errors grip became tighter

After The Truce (ATT) (Errorink) (Discontinued Due To Being Old)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora