Staying The Night (Chapter 5) (Errorink ) (ATT)

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(Errors POV continued)

I could tell that Nightmare was kinda scared of me, but I think It was because before? Dream was also very confused .Then i saw that Ink was embarrassed because Dream showed Inky the picture that Nightmare sent to him (Ink and Error kissing). This caught my attention, and i looked over with a growl This was the last straw, I couldnt take the feeling. What added onto that was the fact Inky was right next to me, which somehow made thing awkwarder.

Me (Not thinking to much) pinned Dream to a wall, the bottom part of one of my arms pinned over his neck, Dream smirked and giggled a bit.

"Are you mistaking me for Inku? Wanting to tie him up, making him begging  for you to stop?" Dream smirked

"What the f***, Dream!" I yelled

I suddenly let Dream go, I knew out of everybody Nightmare should be the one to kill him, after all everybody LOVES him. I trotted back to Inky, sitting down on a rock next to him. Ink sat down and quickly hugged me, laying his head on my left rib. This triggered me to blush, for a reason I wasn't quite sure of. All I knew was that Inky is an adorable when he slept.
  I was tensed to put my arm around him, so I did so. Ink turned around, his face was praticly In my rib. I blushed and put my hand up, leaning back. Nightmare looked at me and giggled, I could tell he found this hilarious. I put my finger over my mouth, signaling to Nightmare to. shut. the. frick. up. He did so, by teleporting away with Dream, leaving me and Ink alone....

I slowly bent down and kissed Inky's forehead, then picked him up, teleporting him to Undertale. This Au' was empty, so it was safe to stay the night or stay till Ink woke. I teleported to the skelebro's house, nobody was there, no presence of anybody in this entire Au. I layed Ink on the smaller part of the couch, I sat on the longer part of the couch, just in case I were to fall asleep.

When I woke up, Ink was laying right beside me, he looked like he could fall off , I quickly sat up, holding up Ink, surprised by how light he was. Ink woke up, very calm and peaceful. Then he looked at me, signaling for me to let him go, and I did so. Ink fell onto the couch, hitting the back of his pelvis on the couch. He bounced on the couch until the springs adjusted to his light weight.

Ink looked over at me, and giggled. But he wanted to tell me something, I could feel it. I decided to ask what was wrong... which was a mistake.

"Is something on your mind, or bugging you?" I asked

"Yeah, I had a dream,  it was about me and you. If we were...... Together......" Ink replied, with a sigh.

"Was it a Dream, or a Nightmare?" I asked, dumbly

"Well, it kinda depends, really." Ink sighed, looking over and blushing a bit

"Like- its hard to put into words." Ink admitted

In a blink of an eye, Ink stormed over and could be seen hugging me. Me being (uhh me) me, hugged him back. Ink suddenly took of my scarf, quickly but playfully. He wrapped it around our necks connecting us.

"Something like this happened!" Ink giggled

I sighed with a smile, rolling my eyes.

"What happened next?" I asked

"Oh well- we- uhh- we ummm....." Ink said, pulling away, but failed because the scarf still connected us, and I had my hands wrapped around Ink

"Go ahead, tell me." I tried to reasure him

"Making out....." Ink blushed, trying to find a way out of my grasp

I was quite confident it wouldn't be anything TOO weird, like making out. But I wad wrong. I blushed and looked away from that stupid squid, I started laughing

"I still Don't see why that wasn't a nightmare?" I giggled

(Clifffhangerrrrrrr >:3 )

After The Truce (ATT) (Errorink) (Discontinued Due To Being Old)Where stories live. Discover now