Alduin x Male!Dragon!Reader ~Requested~

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Thanks for the requestFanficReader42028!

I shivered as my warm breath melted the glassy flakes of snow that landed on my snout. Some managed to get in my nose, and I shook my head while sneezing. I heard a low laugh.

"Yes, Alduin?" I asked the other dragon.

"Your sneezes." He said between chuckles.

"Yeaaaaahh? What about them?" I cocked my head, my e/c sharp orbs bored into his red orbs. His snout got closer to mine, as white fog blasted out of his nostrils.

"They're cute." He admitted with a slight half-lidded eyes- smile look.

"Shut up, softy." I grumbled and lowered my head, walking slowly away, leaving talon prints in the snow behind me.

"Wha- why?" Alduin groaned and started walking after me.

"Go away, softy. No dragon like you is allowed in my cave!" I snapped. I walked into my cave, disappearing into the darkness.

"But...Y/n!" He called out. All he got for a response was a groan.

"Goodbye, Alduinnnn."

Alduin left, in tears that his friend was acting like this.

"Stupid dragon." I muttered, sharpening my claws on a rock.

I picked up the rock and yeeted it with anger. 

"DANG DRAGON!!!" I shouted. I heard a rumble, then saw white fluffy snow and boulders block the entrance of my cave.

"No no no..." I tried to dig it, but it was too much and kept refilling. If only I wasn't a stupid ice breathing dragon!

"I can't get Alduin's help..." I said to myself.

"ODAHVIING!!" I yelled. He never came.

"PAARTHURNAX!!" He didn't come.

"Grr... ALDUIN!!!" Alduin heard my cries and flew to my cave.

"What the heck happened- actually, no. Maybe you'd like to die here." He snapped.

"Please? I'm sorry."

"No! That's all you say, "Oh alduin, I'm so sorry!" "Alduin, please!" Alduin this, Alduin that! DO YOU EVER THINK I WOULD SAVE YOU EVEN THOUGH I KNOW YOU HATE ME?!?"

"Alduin..that's not true..." I cried out.

"Right. Tell me when I care, idiot." He walked away.

"Alduin..." I felt my breath hitch as I felt warm tears fall from my eyes. I ran over to the snow and cried on it, hoping they could melt the snow, but it was just a stupid idea that I knew would never work. It didn't. Surprise.

"ALDUINNNN" I yelled, punching the cold snow. 



I know I should not help him. He never helps me. So why should I?

"ALDUINNNN" I heard him cry. Then I heard something that made my blood run cold.

"ALDUII- gah-" It sounded like his voice was cut what? In curiosity, and just curiosity, I went back to his cave. a troll dug his way through. Strong troll!

"Hey, idiot." I said with a smirk. My smirk fell when I saw Y/n on the floor, blood seeping from his neck.

"Dang it..." I slashed at the troll, killing it instantly and yeeted him off the mountain, and ran over to Y/n's side. I wrapped his wound quickly, and heard him groan.

"Alduin...why'd you come back?" he asked. I smiled sweetly.

"I can't just leave you in peril."  I saw him smile sweetly at me and I lifted him up.

"Let's get out of here, shall we?" 



"lets go, love" We walked out, smiling and I was limping because that troll hurt my dang talons, and leaning on Alduin for support.

"You can live with me." He said.

"I can?" I asked in awe.

"Absolutely." I grinned and pecked him on the lips(?) and felt him peck my lips(?).

"Come on, love." And we walked to his cave.

604 words~

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