A place to stay.... maybe not

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Bev's POV
I strongly felt the urge to cry. How could he just betray me like this after he acted like he cares. Just the thought of it makes my blood boil with rage, confusion, and sadness. As I was riding on the back of Bill's bike, i tried to think of the poosible reason Henry had been such a douché at the last moment but nothing came to mind exept his father. I switched my focus to the present, we were riding down an old road with fields on either side. Up ahead, was Mike's house. We rode around the side of the house to barn we had stayed in before. When Mike opened the door to the barn, there was an older lolking man feeding one of the horses. He looked up quickly, obviously startled at our sudden appearence. He looked angry for a moment when he saw all the boys, but when his eyes landed on me they softened a little.
"What the hell happened to you?" He said with a faint southern accent. I looked down and shook my head a little to hard which made me dizzy. "Mike, what exactly were you planning on doing with these here kids and that there girl who looks like she's been through hell and back?" He asked.
"She needs a place to stay sir. And we're all her friends and wanted to stay with her but we had nowhere else to go. I figured it would be okay but I'm sorry I didnt ask before sir." Mike responded, his voice cracking somewhere in the middle of the sentence. His uncle only nodded.

"Fine, but at least tell me who these people are and what happened to her. By the way I am Mike's uncle Sam. If you need anything come find me. Dinner will be in an hour." He said and looked at us waiting for our names.
"I-I'm B-B-B-Bill" Bill said.

"I'm Ben, it's nice to meet you sir"

Before Richie coukd say anything, Eddie and Stan slapped thier hands over his mouth. Stan quickly said "This is Richie. He doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut." He said nervously.

"My name is Stan, sir." Stan said looking down to the ground.

"Eddie," is all Eddie said.

"My name is Beverly. And with all due respect sir, I dont really want to talk about what happened." I said looking Sam in the eye wondering what he saw. He looked at me for a moment and only nodded in response before leaving the barn.
"I can't believe he's letting all of you stay here. Usually he's so strict." Mike said with a small shake of his head.

"It's only because of how fucked up Beverly looks right now" Richie said, speaking what is probably the truth. We decide to climb into the loft, but because I can barely move I have Bill right behind me making sure I don't fall off the ladder. When I get into the loft, I see that our blanket fort is till hanging from the posts i crawl under it and lay on my back with my eyes closed. I can hear the boys talking in the background, but I have no idea what the hell they're talking about, all I can think about is Henry.

"Bev... Bev are you with us?" I hear a voice saying.
I give my head a little shake clearing away all thoughts of Henry. "No," I answere honestly shrugging my shoulders. They all roll their eyes.
"We're trying to come up with a plan to get rid of the fucking physco clown" Richie says his voice laced with anger and boredom. I nod and get up to open the door and let in a nice summer breeze. But when I open the door, I see the clown standing below. My heart immeadiatly starts racing with fear, and just as I'm about to scream he puts a finger to his mouth and I close mine against my will.
I try to open it, but it's stuck shut he laughs and snaps his fingers causing me to pass out. But just before I do I notice that I'm falling fowards towards the clown and not backwards. And just before I fall over the edge I'm pulled into someone's arms behind me.

Who caught Beverly? I know that this is another short chapter, and I'm sorry if ot's also a little boring. The next one will be exciting woth action and such. Please vote and comment!

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