Five Years Previous- Euriarty

774 14 5

Sherringford, UK

The cell's lighting was dim, making it difficult for him to see her face. But as soon as she stood up (she was already facing him, as if expecting him already), a light clicked on above her, and her features were illuminated. The light shone off her long, curly, dark brown hair, creating a highlight like a halo around her head.

She stepped closer to the glass.

"I'm your Christmas present," he said casually, a smirk flickering onto his face.

There was no way that this kid sister of Sherlock's was smarter than he was. It was just a trick from Mycroft to get him to believe that he had the upper hand.

"So what's mine?" he asked, looking at her with the bad boy face he gave anyone who he wanted to take control of. He walked closer to the glass, slyly suggesting intimacy.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the camera's red light switch off, showing that no one was watching them any longer.

"Redbeard," Eurus Holmes whispered, her eyes widening in a fascinated smile as she looked straight at the most dangerous man in England.

Jim Moriarty stared down at her, almost letting a bit of confusion cross his face.


His mind began to race. What could that possibly mean? Similar to Blackbeard, the well-known pirate. But it must have been a name made up by a child because of its striking similarity. A child Eurus knew, or had known. She had been taken to Sherringford early into her primary school years, limiting the possibilities for it being a school friend. One of her siblings, then. But Mycroft was too much older than her to remember his childhood. Sherlock.

Redbeard must be some weak spot of Sherlock's that no one else knew about, then. Experiencing death at a young age? Entirely possible. Then it was likely to be a childhood friend of his who died.

Jim understood. Sherlock was sensitive to his closest friends dying, so he refused to have any. All the pieces clicked together in Jim's head. It was simple, and yet so complex.

Jim smiled, coming back out of his thoughts. That was when he noticed Eurus's eyes. Bright blue. Intelligent. Wide open. Staring straight into his eyes with a confidence he had never seen in anyone besides himself before.

Eurus rolled her head backwards, taking a deep breath which Jim could hear over the speakers. Jim mirrored her movements, feeling all tension in his shoulders vanishing. He felt himself breathing similarly on accident.

Jim and Eurus swayed there for a moment, a sheet of glass separating them.

Jim stopped when she stopped. They made eye contact again.

"You understand, of course?" Eurus asked, opening her eyes and looking straight into his.

Her bright eyes burrowed into his, stealing the air he had just breathed away from him. He couldn't find it in himself to break her gaze.

He nodded weakly.

A smile twitched onto Eurus's face, the same confident one which Jim was trying to give her but failing.

"I knew it," she said quietly, her eyes searching through his, burning into his memory.

"What?" Jim asked, unable to think in the heat of the moment.

"You want to touch my hand, don't you?" Eurus asked, reaching her palm out toward the glass.

Jim mirrored her, knowing that all he'd be able to feel would be cold glass and not her hand, but he didn't care.

Sherlock Oneshots (Euriarty, MorMor, Severich)Where stories live. Discover now