Two Cinnamon Rolls- Severich

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A/N: As if you couldn't already tell from the title, this might just be the cutest thing I've ever written. Have fun.


Richard Brooke sat on a park bench, his lunch on his lap. He didn't really feel like eating, though. So he was reading a book on his phone. It wasn't very good, but he needed something to burn the time.

"Can I sit here?"

Rich looked up.

A blond man stood to Rich's left. He was a few inches above average height, but not so tall that he was frightening. He had soft, gray eyes and an awkward, dimpled smile.

"Sure," Rich stuttered.

The man sat down beside him, tucking his long legs underneath the bench.

"I'm Severin," he introduced.

"Rich," Rich replied, wondering where this conversation was going.

"Why'd you come here today?" Severin asked.

"Are you a homicide detective?" Rich asked. "Because in that case, I didn't kill him."

Severin laughed.

Rich looked up and away from the ground at his laugh. It was a nice laugh, and Rich couldn't help but smile with it.

"So you're on your lunch break?" Severin asked.

"Yeah," Rich answered. "You?"

"Same," Severin answered.

Severin paused, then spoke again.

"This sounds dumb," he began awkwardly, "but can I have your number?"

Rich turned bright red, not knowing how to respond.

"I mean," Severin said quickly, "you can say no, I just..."

"Um, sure," Rich interrupted.

"Here," Severin said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He opened it and found the right app. He handed his phone to Rich.

Rich entered his number quickly.

"So you work in London?" Severin asked.

"Yeah," Rich answered as he finished typing his number in. "A few blocks down."

"Same," Severin said.

Rich handed Severin's phone back.

"Thanks," Severin said, smiling his
dimpled smile again.

Rich felt his face warming.
Severin's smile widened.

"Hey, um," Rich stuttered, "Would you want to...?" 

"Yeah," Severin interrupted.

"I didn't finish," Rich said, confused.

"I know," Severin said.

Rich blushed again.

"So are you free Friday?" Severin asked, scooting closer to Rich so their shoulders were almost touching each other. "Five-ish?"

"Yeah," Rich answered. He suddenly found it very hard to look away from Severin's soft eyes.


Rich stood nervously outside his apartment door. He made sure to be a bit early out, just in case Severin was early. He glanced at his phone about every thirty seconds, checking the time. Okay. That was a lie. He was checking for texts from Severin. Maybe something like "You've been pranked, bitch!"

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