My Feelings on the Color Indigo

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Now hold up, what does indigo have to do with triggering people? You'd be surprised. In fact indigo triggers me. I low key hate it.

Now don't get me wrong, indigo is very pretty. I really like it as a specific color. However, I hate that it's been assigned a color range like red or blue (we'll revisit blue). Indigo should not be assigned a special place in the color spectrum. Why?

Let's take a nice long look at the color spectrum. What do you see?

I see the color spectrum that shows all visible light

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I see the color spectrum that shows all visible light. It's the rainbow. If you'll notice from about 700-640 it's red, ~640-590 is orange, ~590-570 is yellow, and so on showing every color of the good ol' Roy G. Biv. Except, where is Indigo? I can't even begin to guess, because it doesn't even take up enough room for me to identify it. Notice where "blue" is. About 500-440, yes? No. Because somewhere in there is indigo. Not to mention that light "blue" is actually cyan.

Now look at yellow. It's literally the same size as cyan. Yet, where is cyan in Roy G. Biv? Nowhere! Where is indigo on the color spectrum? NOWHERE. Ok, that was a bit dramatic, it's nowhere disernable. Yet, it's called out in Roy G. Biv, the supposed colors of the rainbow.

Now let's look at a real rainbow, because I know some of you are doubting me.

Now let's look at a real rainbow, because I know some of you are doubting me

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This is a very clear picture of all of the rainbow. You can very clearly see all of the colors you would expect:
All of them. But wait where's indigo? It's not there! What a shock! Come on guys, let's be honest with ourselves!
Cyan is just as visible as any of the other colors, but indigo doesn't even exist. There's literally a line in-between blue and violet.

So here's my last note. Lose indigo. Now, indigo can still be a color, but don't give it a "range" on the spectrum like blue or red. Indigo will be a specific shade just like golden rod or scarlet. Replace Indigo with cyan. But wait, what about Roy G. Biv? Well...Roy G. Biv just won't be 100% accurate anymore, but let's be honest with ourselves, there are only six colors of the rainbow we think of anyways. We can just come up with some new more "accurate" acronym, and Roy. G. Biv will live in our hearts forever. Blue will represent indigo in the rainbow, and cyan will FINALLY get recognition.

Tune in next time to read me rant about something other that colors (hopefully, cross your fingers).
Until then, ROY G. C. BV loves you, and so does cyan.

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