Chapter One

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New York was so very different than my small seaside hometown of Calais in France, yet I found some sort of pleasure in being in such a bustling city. The way the chatter of the people filled the early morning air was something calming to me. In Calais, there was so much unnecessary pampering that I was not too fond of.

"Angel my dear, what is going on in the beautiful mind of yours?" I hear Julien call from behind me. I turn and see my husband Julien leaning against the doorframe of our room. He was dressed in his suit with his wavy brown hair tied back by a single black ribbon. I smile and get up from my small desk, going over to fix his collar.

"I was just admiring the great chatter of the people from below my love," I say, my fingers quickly fixing the fabric of his shirt. I smooth it out and smile up at him. I was not one to fall in love when it was a duty of man, not a duty of heart, but every day, I find myself loving this man as my own family.

"Where are you off to today?" I ask. Julien drops his hands to my waist and presses a gentle kiss onto my forehead.

"Mr. Jameson and his wife have requested another lesson for young John. The child is very bright, but I believe that is they keep pressing his studies onto him, he will no longer have a desire to be a lawyer." He confesses to me. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Did your mother not press you like this?" I ask, raising my eyebrow in mischief. He nods unashamed and smiles proudly.

"She did, but I find no pleasure in reading book after book. I liked to argue with children, just like you." He says, tapping on the tip of my nose." Before I found out that I was to marry Julien, we were childhood friends. He was a very opinionated child, as was I, so I suspect that is why he is so great at arguing, he had me to practice countless times.

"Yes, my dear, but in reality, you never won any of those arguments." I taunt. Julien laughs and leans down so that we are eye to eye. His ember eyes stare into mine with so much intensity that I could cut it with a butter knife.

"You may think you won mon cherié, but I was the superior child." He says. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.

"If that is what makes you happy, then I will let you go on believing such things." I joke happily. He smiles gently at me and holds my hands in his.

"You will alright with these officers here?" Julien asks with great concern written in his eyes. These concerned eyes have great reason to be here. Since we are of wealthy status, the officers of the British Army are billeted here. Many of them are well-mannered men, especially my great life friend, John André. I'm very lucky that he was billeted here because he does keep the unruly men in line, except for Quinn Pricket. This young officer is known for his ruthless tactics on the battlefield and doing whatever he deems necessary to squash down this rebellion. André agrees that Quinn is quite an unconventional soldier, yet he believes Quinn to be a god sent for the cause.

"I will be fine Julien, it is as if you have forgotten that they have been here a month nearly. André will take care of the unruly ones and anyone he can't handle, I will surely take care of." I say, giving his hand a squeeze of reassurance. He nods and kisses my head.

"Very well then my dear. Then I am off to teach these children what their parents want them to know." He jokes. I couldn't help but laugh at his poke on his job.

About a half an hour after Julien left, I finally manage to pull myself from my sitting area by the grand window in my room to the living room, ready to entertain my guests as a lady of the house does so often.

"Good morning to you my dear Angel." I hear André greet as I make my way down the staircase. I smile brightly at my dear friend. Although he looks clean and awake, I can see the distress that his job has put on his person. André is the Head of British Intelligence and to keep all those secrets in his head must cause him much grief.

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