Chapter Three

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One thought that hasn't left my mind since I made my way back from the camp was what exactly that camp was. Why would I be punished if I was to tell? New York was in the hands of the British and that little camp would prove no threat to the British here. As much as I believe in the cause of the American's, the sheer numbers do not stand in the favor of the rebels.

I cuddle closer into my bed and look over to my side, seeing an empty space beside me. Julien hadn't come home last night, but to my surprise, I didn't worry. Julien was a man who needed time when he was angered. He always wanted to cool off before he said something he regretted greatly. Yes, he hurt me last night, but there are worse things that could have been said. Julien could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in his hands. He is the only love I know and I don't want to lose such a special thing.

After about an hour of walling in self-pity, I finally get up and ready myself for the day. I dress rather quickly, leaving my hair to fall in unruly curls down my back. When I make my way downstairs, I find André and Cullen sitting in the parlor, talking and laughing. Something clenches my heart and doesn't let go when I see them. Cullen has something to do with the rebels, yet he is so close to André. It is beyond me how Cullen can keep such a secret for so long.

"Ah, Angel! Good morning love, we were wondering what you've been up to." André chuckles as he sips his tea. I couldn't help but smile gently as I take a place in an empty chair across from the two.

"I just got carried away with sleeping I suppose," I say, my eyes flickering between André and Cullen. Cullen gives me a small nod as he brings his cup up to his lips.

"Julien did come in early this morning if you are wondering." André says, raising an eyebrow. My heart skips a beat at the mention of Julien. He had come home after all, but why at such an early hour? I nod at him and quickly get up.

"If you will excuse me." I say, bowing my way out and quickly making my way down to Julien's study. All thoughts and worries about the night quickly left my mind. All that was there was Julien. I look enter his study, but to my dismay, I find it empty.

"I see that sleep has finally lost its grip on you, my dear." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn quickly to find Julien holding a single red rose. I rush into his arms with absolutely no hesitation. I throw my arms around him, pulling him close to me. I hear a slight chuckle come from his lips as his arms wrap around me tightly.

"I'm very sorry about the words I said yesterday my angel, I didn't mean to harm you." He whispers gently in my ear.

"Oh, Julien, you were not in fault my dear. It was I. I pushed you on an issue that is dangerous for us both to speak about in these times. That was wrong for me to do so and I am truly sorry. With all my heart Julien." I say, taking a moment before looking up at him. A small smile was hanging on his lips as he placed them on my forehead. I close my eyes and savor the sweet moment. Even if we were in a war, my constant war with the emotions I held for this man was a lingering panic.

"I brought you this." Julien says, holding the red rose in between us. A soft giggle leaves my lips as I gently take the illustrious rose and smile up at him.

"It is most beautiful. I shall put it in water at once." I say, gently pulling away from his embrace.

"Oh no you won't, not now." He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into his embrace. His hands hold me in place by my waist as he looks down at me.

"I've been away from my angel for too long." He mumbles, reaching up to cup my face in his hands. I look up at him, my eyes glimmering up at this man I watched grow up with me.

Angel of the RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now