A New World

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You are Y/N, a young mage who uses a variety of magic alongside knowing staff combat. Your staff had been the last thing your mother had ever given you. At the age of 11 your mother had been killed while defending the village you lived in. You are currently 17 and were known as 'Glyph', a name that you had used over your main name to honor your mom who was very gifted in the magic of glyphs. You are at the moment in a tavern, waiting for the guild hall to open their doors.

Y/N:"Hey Bartender! Do you know what time the guild hall opens? I'm itching to get myself a quest."

Bartender:"Ay lad? They should open any second, usually when the sun rises."

Y/N:"Ah, well thanks for the room pops. Here's a tip!"

You toss a gold coin towards him and venture out the small tavern. You straighten your outfit before walking through town.

 You straighten your outfit before walking through town

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Y/N:'Wonder what quests there'll be. Hopefully some slaying quest! I love it when we get gold for killing easy enemies!'

You are now at the front of the guild hall. As you walk in, you find a group of around twenty different classes grouping up. The leader glances in your direction before striding towards you.

Leader:"You! You're Glyph right? I would so say that it is a pleasure to meet you! Now I have a question, me and my group are about to head to a large dungeon in the south... Would you care to accompany us?

Y/N Point Of View

Y/N:"I guess, but what is so dangerous about this dungeon? You should be able to handle a simple dungeon with no less than ten, so why twenty high levels no less?"

Leader:"Well you see, no one who has entered the dungeon has made it out. They belive there to be creatures above power level hundred in there. That is why we ask for help from a skilled mage such as yourself."

Y/N:'Over a hundred?!' *clears throat* "I'll come along, but only if I get 25% of the reward."

Leader:"I guess thats fair. Now come join us as we prepare for the venture."

TimeSkip To Dungeon Entrance

Y/N:"So, this is it? Doesn't look like much..."

Adventurer1:"Watch your mouth twerp. We need to be careful."

Leader:"Both of you shut up. Everyone! Get in positions, Glyph and I will lead. Warriors behind me and archers behind them. Now stay on your guard!"

I yawn before grabing my staff and using magic to create temporary light. The others follow like guinea pigs as I step through the entrance. The first thing I see is a long corridor with low power ghasts.

Y/N:"Soooo, where are the actual enemies. All I see is some low power ghasts."

Leader:"Continue forward and be wary when opening the door. From there we will split into small groups."

Y/N:'Thanks for ignoring me dickhead'

I use 'purify' on the ghasts, cringing as they screech in pain. The door is made of wood with rusting iron accents. As I open the door it squeaks as loud as a mouse. The room we enter is a large library. Old books and scrolls are everywhere, stairs lead up and down the large dungeon and ao I look around to see the twenty or so adventurers getting in groups. I look at the leader before asking him something.

Y/N:"So, is it me and you? Just don't get scared and we should be fine."

Leader:"I suppose it wont be that easy. Now follow me, we are going in the undercroft. There is a certain tome that many before us came for."

The duo of the both of us. Walk down the spiral stone staircase. We separate from the group and go through a door which abruptly locks behind us.

Y/N:"Ah shit, what do we do now?"

Leader:"Sssh. I hear something. Put your ear to the door."

I listen to the ironclad man and put my ear to the door. What I hear is the screams and gasps of the group we were with.

Y/N:"Holy shit! What just happened?!"

Leader:"We must get the tome and leave! They will kill us if we don't."

Y/N:"Who is they?"

He ignores me as we walk down the small passage. The two of us come upon two ways blocked by a group of around thirty skeleton creatures. Before I can speak, the fool of a leader dashes in. I grip my staff (any one) as one stray skeleton rouge comes upon me. My eyes spark with lighting as I point my staff towards him, electricity sparking off the tip. I release the energy as it strikes the skeleton, leaving it in pieces.

I glance towards the battle and see the leader fighing multiple skeletal brutes

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I glance towards the battle and see the leader fighing multiple skeletal brutes. I let him fight as I use a small whirlwind of fire to destroy the other enemies. Multiple skeletons survive the fire and I inspect their power levels... 170?! My mouth gapes as one lunges towards me. I bring up my staff, blocking the blow. One skeleton behind me takes this opportunity to shoot an arrow through my shoulder. I summon a icicle and pierce one of the warrior's head. He is unfazed and continues walking towards me. In a panic I look towards my partner to see him being bludgeoned to death, his eyes wide as I hear his bones crack and crumble. Before the skeletal in front of me can swing at me I daah towards a nearby door and ward it.

Y/N:*Panting* "Oh my, how?! They are overwhelmingly powerful. How do I survive this?"

I glance around as the door is being pounded on. I notice a table with a small tome on it. The tome has a hard cover detailing a staff that's etched into it. As I open the book, my surroundings fade before being replaced by bright light. I look up as someone speaks.

???:"Welcome Heros! May you help us defeat the waves!"

Thank you for reading the chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave ideas/who you want to be with in this work! If you enjoyed please feel free to follow me and with that have a nice day/night!

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