Shatter Through

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Third Person Point Of View

You awake to the sound of footsteps echoing off the wet, stone walls. Peeling your eyelids open, you find a rather scruffy man at your door fumbling with his keys until he notices you roll over to properly view him. In a gruff voice, surprisingly commanding he speaks.

Scruffy Man:"Get up, the guards will be here soon."

Una:"Hey! Geezer, can you quiet down! Some of us are trying to get some proper beauty sleep.*Hmph*"

The man disregards Una and instead speaks louder, as if to taunt her. He finishes opening the rusted iron door to your cell and brings out a pair of iron cuffs.

Y/N:"Look here, I am NOT in to that type of thing! Back off you creep."

Scruffy Man:"Oh shut your trap, give me your wrists. Unless you want me to get a certain word to the king that you assaulted his jailer..."

Una:"Yeah yeah, we get that you have no balls and need for everything to be your way. Can you both just hurry up do I can live out my 'final' days in peace?"

Y/N:"Ugh, fine. As long as you get me out of this place. I nearly froze my tip off."

He clamps the cuffs around your rather small wrists and hastily manhandles you out he cell. You are shoved out and lead down a small corridor, not before saying bye to Una. You both pass a corner and run into a group of guards.

Scruffy Man:"Good luck kid. You'll need it. Just follow this league to the throne room, and try not to be a smartass."

Y/N:"At least I'm not a dumbass."

The two of you share a small laugh before the guards grip your shoulders and lead you to the throne room. As you enter you glance up at the king and notice a trial taking place. You see Naofumi and decide to listen in.

Naofumi:"I didn't do anything! The bitch is lying!"

Spear Hero:"How could you do such heinous acts to a woman!? To the king' s daughter no less!"

King:"Silence! Shield Hero, You will be cut from all monthly allowances from the capital and will be branded as a-"

You tune out as you snicker at the court. It sounds like a dad no longer allowing his son an allowance because of failing results. You glance towards the bitch crying wolf and see the smirk splattered on her face. Before the council finishes, you send a rather large ice spike towards the side of her head. As the icicle shatters on the wall, screams erupt before you anounnce your presence.

Y/N:"Miss me? How about you all stop crying lies and just outcast me and Naofumi like you were planning on doing from the beginning? Or do you want to be view as shining bacons to your shitfeast of a capital?"

Naofumi:"Hehe, Bacon..."

The guards break out of their formal trance and bring you in front of the King, forcing you on your knees. You grin broadly before an explosion rattles the building.

Y/N:"Well, seems as though as if it's my queue to leave. Wasn't nice meeting any of you. Sorry Naofumi, hope we meet up at the first wave."

Naofumi:"Aww, you really got to leave me with these dimwits? Well, see ya soon."

The guards rush to the sound leaving only a select few blocking the door out. You freeze your cuffs and shatter them. The guards notice your actions and rush to you, spears out. You send an icicle clean through the first guard's cranium and gran his spear, chucking it into another's neck. Three more guards surround you with one slashingat your chest. You jump back to avoid the hit and snicker.

Y/N:"You almost ruined my outfit. Oh well, soon your blood will stain it anyway."

Guard:"Shut it you heathen!"

You attempt to grab a wicked dagger from your boot only for an arrow to hit your hand.

Y/N:"Ah! You bastard, that hurt."

Bow Hero:"Good, wouldn't want an arrow to go to waste now, would I?"

Y/N:"So isn't this the point in the battle where you introduce yourself?"

As you finish speaking, the Sword Hero attempts to impale you only for you to side-step him. A dagger follows into his shoulder causing a hiss of pain in response.

Sword Hero:"Well, Hotshot. Allow me to introduce us. Name's Ren and the little archer over there is Itsuki. Now I'm going to kindly ask you to put back on your cuffs."

Spear Hero:"Are you seriously trying to reason with that villian? Just beat him already and we can go do the waves without stress."

Itsuki:"Motoyasu's right. We should deal with the problem before it expands."

A arrow hits you in the shoulder faster than you can react. The three heros crowd around you, weapons drawn. Motoyasu attacks first and you narrowly dodge before running to your staff which seems to be oddly conviently placed by the throne. As you slide to grip your staff, an arrow flies through the air, aimed directly for your nape. A loud clink can be heard as the arrow bounces off Naofumi's shield. He looks back at you and nods as you grab your staff and book it for the door, Naofumi now blocking your escape. Ren jumps in front of the door bit a wave of your staff sends a wall of earth crashing into him. With the door now shattered, you use the chaos to blend with the crowd of nobles fleeing and make your way to the village.

Y/N:"You should have aimed for the head."

Una Point Of View

I watch as Y/N escapes the castle. The guards were in a battle with my league of assassins, slaughter was the only way to describe that. The King thought he could just kill me? The queen of assassins? Don't think so.

Assassin:"Master, would you like us to go after the Staff Hero? If you so be it we can get him for you to fill your desires."

Una:"No... I would like to see where this goes. It seems this world just got a little less boring. Report to the guild and have them avoid killing him... he's mine♡"

My messenger leaps away and leaves me to my thoughts. The air blows my blood soaked hair in the sky as I clean my blade. I think about the last couple of days and only one thing comes to mind.

Una:'How exactly did you get here... Glyph?'

I haven't wrote in a while so I hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day/night!

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