Staff And Shield

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I stand up, my eyes slowly adjusting to the eviorment around me. As I move my head up I see what looks like a king? I glance to my sides and notice four other people. I stay silent when I relise I am missing my staff.

King:"Now as I was saying. You four have been summoned here to help us defeat the waves-"

Y/N:"Yo! There's five of us. So unless this is a mistake, then your eyes are messing with you."

The king looks visibly confused before clearing his throat and speaking in a rough voice.

King:"Well this is odd, the prophecy says nothing about a fifth hero... Who are you?"

I get confused when he looks at me. I put the pieces together before in a questioning voice speak.

Y/N:"Wait, so I'm not supposed to be here? Your head must be fucked because I was transported here after reading some book with a staff on the cover."

King:"Guards! Seize him! The staff hero is not supposed to be here, he is dangerous and possibly an enemy."

I stand there in udder disarray as the guards surround me. I quickly get back in posture before speaking while settling in a fighting stance.

Y/N:"You've got to be kidding me. You can't just lock me up! I'm not your enemy you dumbass!"

???:"You can't just throw him in the dungeons. He's done nothing wrong!"

King:"Hush Shield hero! Your voice does not have weight, now you will obey me or else."

The guards close in but the 'shield hero' comes to block them from getting to you. He appears to be from another world as you sense no 'power' from him.

???:"Wait! If you allow me to have him as a companion will you let him go? I will take full responsibly for his actions and anything else that happens."

The king looks puzzled before growing a smirk and speaking with a powerful tone.

King:"I will allow him to accompany you, but he must spend one night in the dungeon to prove whether ornnot he is dangerous. Guards! Take him away!"

You sigh before quickly asking the 'shield hero' a question as the guards close in.

Y/N:"So Mr. Balls o' Steel, what's your name? Mine's Y/N L/N but I would perfer you call me Glyph around others."

Naofumi:"Well, my name is Naofumi Iwatani and as you know and what I learned five minutes ago, am the shield hero."

Before you can speak anymore the guards grab your arms and put you in shackles. You give Naofumi a small smile before being lead to the dungeon. The king seems to be smiling like a cuck as you are shoved to move forward.

In The Dungeon-Five Hours Later

I sit on the small wooden seat in my cell, messing around with wood shavings removed from the table.

Y/N:'This is sooo boring. Why the hell did the cucklord of a king belive me to be dangerous?'

???:"Hey! New Kid! Why are you in here?"

You glance towards the voice and into another cell. The voice seems to belong to a small crimson haired girl.


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???:"I asked why you were in here you oaf! Now will you anwser me or continue staring at me?"

Y/N:"Name's Y/N, apparently I'm the staff hero and they got scared. Don't know why though, but now I'm in this dungeon until tommorow... You?"

Una:"Well Y/N, my name is Una Of Slight Winds. I'm in here because they caught me trying to assassinate that bitch of a princess. I'm due for the chopping block in several days. *under breath* That's what they think..."

Y/N:"Well shit, that's rough. I'd love to continue chatting but I'm dead tired. Ny day has been full of skeletons, death, and coming to an alternate world only to be fucked by a king. So have a nice rest 'Una Of Slight Winds'."

Una pouts before speaking in a cherry tone.

Una:"Well let's hope we meet again! Have a nice rest Y/N~."

You strech before yawing. The small wooden chair creaks as you stand up and look at the miserable bedroll that's in front of you. As you sigh the a guard comes in a turns off the lantern. As you lay you back on the pathetic bedroll, you think back to your old life.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I changed up the story a little and will continue to do so to make this story unique. I hope you all have a nice day/night!

The Story Of Wood And Steel (A Shield Hero Rising Reader Insert) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now