Azrel's Wrath

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Azrel Point Of View

The morning sun rises above the horizon, hitting my closed eyelids and awaking me from a deep sleep. As I try to get up, I feel a body on top of me. When my eyes finally decide to open, I see a sleeping Raphtalia. She has her arms speed over me, as if trying to go my existence.

After a couple of minutes of trying to move her off, I decide to wake her. I try to shake her awake to no avail. As I'm about to give up, Naofumi wakes and sees me clearly struggling.

Naofumi Point Of View

As I try to wipe the exhaustion out of my eyes, I see Azrel trying to pry Raphtalia off her. She looks over at me as I stifle a yawn, almost silently begging me to help. With a sigh, I dress quickly and go over to help.

Naofumi:"So, how'd you get like this?"

Azrel:"She just- I don't know! The little girl has a grip like a burly middle age man who's job is to lift crates! I'm surprised my back hasn't snapped into two from her hug, if you can even call it that."

I snicker at the thought of Raphtalia carrying crates alongside a surprised man. After the thought passes, I move over to help her. After a couple of minutes of trying to pry her off the poor woman, I gain a thought.

I move my hand towards the young half-humans hair and pull on her small raccoon ears. A few seconds pass before the racoon jumps up grabbing her ears. Azrel breathes a sigh of relief as the crys if the young raccoon fills the room.

Raphtalia:"Why did you do that?! You meanie!"

*Exaggerated Gasp*

Naofumi:"I'm offended! How could you call me such a thing!"

As me and Raphtalia bicker,a slight giggle is heard from my right. As I glance that way, I see Azrel trying not to break down laughing. As my attention is divided, Raphtalia takes the opportunity to jump on my back.

Naofumi:"Hey! Get off!"

Raphtalia:"Nope! You need a punishment for being so mean."

After hearing that, my hair is griped by two tiny hands and tugged on. I try to get the vengeful Raphtalia off me only to fall onto the bed and hearing a roar of laughter from Azrel.

*TimeSkip* Azrel Point Of View

As we walk through the market district, I feel as though I have eyes piercing me. Naofumi looks to have a slight glare looking for the threat only for a sigh of failure. We were currently headed to a small town outside of the capital to try and get some quest.

After passing a few stalls, we turned into an alley to attempt and lure out the potential enemy. After a few steps, my ears pick up a slight noise that is like metal scratching against a sheath. Before I can react, a shuriken is flying through the air on route to hit me. As my eyes meet the flying object, Naofumi jumps afront me and stops the shuriken in its tracks.

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