meeting the half sister's

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(A/N: I did not design this credit goes to who ever did this I found it on Pinterest, this is what Ghost wears in combat also she also has the gun but she prefers the twin swords. also she has two semblances pyromancy and the other is similar to yang's but is stronger . its fan fiction so :P)

Ghost pov:  six years after meeting Pheonix. (Ghost is ten and Pheonix is eight)

I was walking through the forest my two swords on a hip each. The reason I'm in the forest in the first place was because Phe wanted raspberries, because she was baking and even though she is eight and I'm  ten it shames me 'kind of' to admit I can't cook to save my life, I can kill damn near anything I've fought and killed nevermore's, death stalkers and plenty of other Grimm and whitefang members.

there was one incident were they tried to set up a small camp in the forest I may have set it on fire and left no survivors see my semblance is pyromancy and I don't like extremists.

I understand they want equal rights but they go about it the complete wrong way ever since they got a new leader sienna Kahn (please tell me I got that right.) they went from being a pacifist group to extremists also their masks look stupid, I snap out of my thoughts when I hear leaves rustle near by I get my bow ready and aim to where the noise come from. 

my breath was shaky thinking about what creature it could be. "please just be a cute little bunny, please cute bunny." then a fairly squeaky and hyperactive voice pops up.

"cute bunny! where where?!" I squeaked as I shoot backwards aiming my bow at the little girl she looks to be about six, short in height, wearing a primarily black with red details outfit with a red cape, short black hair with red tips, but what stood out the most was her pure silver eyes. I keep my bow aimed at the child. "who are you?" I say sternly venom lacing my voice narrowing my eyes.

"well?" she looks at me for a few seconds.

"oh! how silly of me! my names ruby... ruby rose!" she says rather loudly. "wats yours?"

I blink for a few seconds I have a bow loaded and ready to go through her aura and then stab her just as quickly how is she still positive in this situation? she continues to stare at me waiting for an answer I feel no danger or bad intentions from her so I lower my bow. "Ghost. my name is Ghost." I say leaning on a nearby tree. "are you hear alone ruby?"

she looks at me and smiles. "no my big sister yang is somewhere in the forest." my eyes widen Phoenix doesn't do well with unfamiliar people. "we need to find your sister." Ruby's scroll begins to ring she takes it out an checks who's calling before she answer. "hey sis!"

"Ruby I found a cabin we could totally use it as a club house!"

my left eye starts to twitch as I start sprinting towards the cabin ruby follows shouting after me. "he hey! wait up!"

"who you talking to rube?"

"no one yang. I'll talk to you in a second!" she hangs up.

I arrive at my cabin to see a slightly older girl about Phe's age standing by the door she had lilac eyes and long messy blonde hair and is quite a bit taller than me.

I aim my bow at the blonde. "who are you? why are you near my home."  The blondes hair lights up slightly as her eyes turn red as she gets into a fighting stance she has these two wrist gauntlet things as she cracks her knuckles as I feel my eyes change and my arrow 's tip lights aflame.

before anything else could happen Ruby finally catches up and jumps between us as Poenix opens the front door and watches what would have been a decent fight but Ruby stepped between us.

"Yang, Ghost calm down!" neither of us move until her and Phe gives us puppy dog eyes, Yang's eyes return to lilac and I put my bow away and put the flame out and it disperses.

"fine but why were you two in this part of the forest?"  the sisters look at each other Ruby responds first.

"Yang said we could hunt Grimm because dad said we could." I could tell yang was hiding something she her mannerism said she was nervous I look to her. "Your hiding something."

she jolts slightly. " no.. no I'm not." I narrow my eyes and examine her again. "your body language states otherwise. now I'll ask one more time. what. are. you. hiding?"

with each word I said I took a step and backed Yang up to one of the walls of the shack.

"we were." she stops thinking about what to say. "I was.." she looks to the ground and sighs. "I came to find the both of you." my eyes change colour as I feel anger slowly rise in me.

I pull a knife to her throat. and through gritted teeth I question her again. "why were you trying to find us." she looks almost sad at that she looks at me and Phoenix as Ruby pulls me back slightly so Yang didn't have a knife to her throat I put the knife back and turn away from the two girls. "You two should leave..."

"what but why?" 

I whip around my eyes are practically glowing at this point and my fists are engulfed in blue flame.

" I said leave.. NOW!" the two girls left in a hurry after that I took a few seconds to regain my composure and I turn to Phoenix and hand her the raspberries. " at least I got the berries." I say in a monotone  voice as I head back inside and change into my combat gear with the hood down I then walk out of my room and turn to her.

"I'm heading into Vale. want to come with?"  she looks at me slightly worried. "what about your ears?" I look at her in sympathy.

"welllll...  I could get you a nice colourful ribbon to make a kawai bow to cover your ears. How 'bout that?" Her face lit up at the thought.

"Can it be rainbow coloured?" 

"Of course it can. So you want to come with or what?"

"Only if we get ice cream."

"I'll think about it...." She gives me puppy dog eyes or kitten eyes are more appropriate given we are cat fauhnes', as I leave through the door with her, I hear a low growl of a grim in the trees I quickly draw my sword bow celestra  and aim to were I heard the growl, I hear the foot steps thudding on the dirt getting closer, slowly, closer and closer until utter silence, then the grimm, a Beowulf, sprints full speed towards us as I push Kayleigh behind cover as I quickly shoot the Beowulf in the eye, as it continues to charge at me I split the bow into two swords, celast and star, as the grimm was about to strike everything seemed to move slowly as instinct kicked in as I flip over the grimm's swinging claws and dodging out the way of its vicious maw as it tries to bite me in two at the grimms second swipe I slide under, slicing the grimm's arm and stabbing it in the chest. I turn to Phe smile on my face.

"I think we will get that ice cream." I say, relaxing slightly as we continue our walk to vale.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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