Mr Not So Reliable gets in a fight

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He was late. Matt, my reliable best friend for the past 6 years was late. I checked my phone again, no missed calls, not even a single text. This kind of behaviour was so unlike him. He was never late, he was always early, always smiling. Not to mention I still hadn't forgiven him for not answering my calls the other day, even though Jace and I surprisingly didn't strangle each other.

Jace. My heart contracted in my chest. Absentmindedly, I reached up and touched my fingers to my forehead. The shock of Jace's lips against my skin still sent goosebumps along my arms, and unleashed an army of butterflies in my stomach. That night, when I turned on the lights in my empty home, I sat still on my bed, digesting everything that had happened. Jace in my bedroom, the roof, his lips forcing mine open hungrily-and then the softest of touches when he dropped me home. It was like my brain suddenly switched on, I grabbed at my sketchbook, knocking my pencils in the process, but managed to grab one before it fell. I drew him sitting on the roof, the sun attacking him with it's powerful rays. I drew the strong line of his jaw and the curve of his lips remembering the taste of them and the feel of them against my own. It was when I finished drawing his eyes, I fell asleep.

My phone buzzed in my lap, bringing me back to reality. I glanced down hoping Matt had finally texted to say he was outside, but it was a text from Jace.

Jace: I just passed a young fellow with a pretty girl on his arm. Upon second glance I realized this young man was no ordinary young man, but lilly Scott's best friend Matt Gooseberry, sorry I'm laughing. You can imagine my surprise to see Mr-I'm not saying it again-with a young lady who was not you! Maybe I was wrong after all.

I read the message again, too shocked by the fact Matt had forgotten that he was supposed to be driving me to school, to laugh at the way Jace wrote the text. 'A pretty young lady on his arm'. The uneasy feeling returned to my stomach again, only this time I knew it was because I was beyond angry. With a frustrated sigh, I grabbed my sweater and started toward Green Valley High.


If I wasn't so pissed off at Matt, his reaction when I came into Biology would've been hilarious. He dropped his pencil the second his eyes met mine. His mouth formed into the shame of an 'O' and then, a moment later, they seemed to form the words, 'I'm so sorry.'

I didn't look at him after that. I moved to the back of class and sat next to Jace, who's lab partner still hadn't returned--thankfully. He watched me with narrowed eyes and I just shrugged.

"Please don't tell me you love me more than your best friend already."

I shot him a glare. "I don't love him either."

Jace seemed to catch on pretty fast and laughed under his breath. "I can't believe you're using me like this." He faked a hurt expression. Then he raised his voice only slightly, so Mr Peterson wouldn't hear him, and said, "I'm your second choice, really?"

I kept my mouth firmly shut so I wouldn't laugh. Jace looked appalled. "I have never been anybody's second choice before. Especially when Matt Gooseberry is the first!"

That seemed to grab Mr Peterson's attention. "Quiet back there Mr Hart, and you too Ms Scott. After missing 10 minutes of class I would've expected you, out of everyone, to listen."

I dipped my head down, looking at the worn desk I sat at with Jace. I hated when my teacher's were disappointed in me.

"If you would like an explanation for her lateness, I'm sure Matt Gooseberry, excuse the laughter, can give you that explanation."

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