2] Chat Noir's Story

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"Chat Noir, you know your forbidden to see those... those... fucking angels!!!" The devil Hawk Moth yelled toward Chat Noir "those angels are monsters!!" He stated alongside his furious saying "Angels are not fucking monsters! You have a stupid ass vision that makes you see them as 'fucking monsters' Father!" Chat Noir fought back against his father's statement. Which is a typical Chat Noir thing to do. With that Hawk Moth's face was full of anger and with a lash of his hand a smack was made against his sons pale face. Chat's big green eyes widened to their maximum capacity his hand cupping the red mark on his face a tear appeared on his face. "Son...." Hawk Moth whispered "Well, Mr. Bastard, I understand your restraints and your remarks. And within my company I'll leave you no more fucking distractions. With your permission I'll go to my room now." Chat Noir replied still cupping the slap mark. Chat turned around and walked away. "Son!" Hawk Moth screamed trying to grab Chat's hand but missed. The door slammed in this face all Hawk Moth did was stand still. Did he really just do that to his own son? Hawk Moth just realized what he did and fell to the black and white tiled floor. "I'm sorry, son" Chat Noir walked down the empty hallway. No Nathalie, No Gorilla, No Plagg. Just him, himself, and no one else. He walked up the stairs and as he walked past the big picture of him and his father he flipped it off (🖕🏻) and slammed his door shut. He slammed his brick wall with his fist leaving a broken spot in this wall now (damn he's strong) he flipped over his black couch, slid all his stuff off the desk broke a picture of him and his Mom. That's when he froze. He saw a picture of Him, Alya, Nino, and Marinette when they were still alive. It was taken in the park right next to his old high school. He picked up the picture and put it up to his chest and started to cry. He missed them all and he realized that he still had a heart. But he couldn't show it. People in Hell would go after him. He caressed the picture with his fingertips and stopped at Marinette. He realized all his friends and Marinette were in Heaven. He's the only one in Hell. He needed to find a way to get to Heaven and turn into an Angel. But wait... if I try to turn into an Angel a civil war will start between Heaven and Hell. If that happens the demons and devils will be the most brutal they can be and capture the most important angel in Heaven 'Marinette' they'll torture her to no end. They'll rape her, whip her, cut her, and so much more that I don't wanna think of. She won't survive. He didn't want anything to happen to Marinette or his other friends. He'll have to figure out something. Like maybe turn Alya and Nino to a demon like me and train them to turn back into an angel and take Marinette come with them and meet me back here. Then she'll be with me forever. He tough long and hard what to do he looked at the clock in this room and saw the time "Oh shit! It's already 11PM!" He wrote down his plan on a piece of paper and hid it under his pillow "I guess I should go to bed." He said to himself as he undressed into his boxer and covered himself with his Chanel Blanket. (The best money can buy you 👌🏻) His black cat Plagg cane up to him and nuzzled him on the head and purred in his ear. Chat peaked one eye open and said "the Camembert is in my pants pocket." Plagg meowed and went to the pant pocket to get the cheese. Then Chat fell into a deep sleep
Hey! I'm back with another author's note at the end of the story! Did you like it? It kinda got a bit confusing around the slapping scene for me because Hawk Moth was saying sorry even though Hawk Moth is the devil but I guess ima go with that... anyways I have a lot of free time so I figured I'd just post this as well and I'll work on the third chapter another time. I can't think of what's gonna happen next so just roll with me. I need some sort of inspiration so comment if you have and idea and my favorite idea will be what I do and at the top I'll share who gave me the idea. Thanks!
Word Count: 666

Angels falling to Hell: a MariChat storyWhere stories live. Discover now