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The morning started off as normal as ever. The morning breeze shook the shrubs leaving the garden to shiver. Birds perched on tree branches humming their beautiful song. It was so early the chaos around the manor hadn't even begun yet.

Y/N was the first to wake up. It was usually his lover to wake up before him. Y/N looked at the curtains that allowed the sunlight to peek through, he then looked down at his lover. Ciel was snuggling against him, head resting on Y/N's chest, leg draped over the older's hip and arm wrapped over Y/N's shoulder. Ciel or Y/N would wake up a few minutes before the other, cuddle with each other for however long until Sebastian had to dress the young master. Y/N managed a better grip on his lover's hips before closing his eyes again. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again but he enjoyed the peacefulness of their mornings.

Ciel awoke soon after looking up at the lover he swore was asleep. The look of absolute calm captivated Ciel. If he could he would just stare at Y/N's beautiful face all day. A realization dawned upon Ciel, he had total access to his lover's exposed neck and collar bones. When he and Y/N were intimate together Y/N would scatter hickies wherever he could and Ciel felt pleasure from those dark bruises. Ciel would always be the one to receive hickies but this time he wanted to be the one to reciprocate. He had been too embarrassed to ask Y/N if he could give him hickies so he thought it would be better to do it this way.

Ciel gazed up at his lover again to make sure he was asleep. The young master leaned closer to his lover's neck catching his natural scent. He smelled like the garden and oak from the estate. Ciel lapped his tongue along Y/N's delicate skin before biting into a few spots as softly as he could. The younger then mimicked what his lover had done to him and sucked on the tender skin. Ciel panicked when he felt his lover wrap his arms around him tighter. He looked up at Y/N's to see his flustered face. The young earl moved his hand to graze Y/N's warm cheek resulting in Y/N opening his eyes. Y/N glanced down at Ciel's shocked face and then the hickies he had received.

"I-I'm sorry! I should have I just wanted to, I didn't m-mean to!" Ciel squeaked.

Y/N chuckled tucking his chin on top of Ciel's head, "Don't apologize, love, there's no need to feel embarrassed."

Ciel had practically been shoved into Y/N neck, "I never told you to stop" Y/N's sultry voice sent a shiver down Ciel's back.

The young master went back to creating hickies on his lover's skin. Ciel had stopped for a second watching the older hickies darken and the newer ones shown as bright pink, similar to the blush on his lover's face. The younger hadn't been satisfied with this and decided to travel lower. A jolt came from Y/N as his lover bit his clavicle. Ciel smirked at this newly discovered information. He initiated his plan tracing his lover's collar bone in dark hickies. Y/n let out a breathy moan tugging onto Ciel's blue locks. But of course, they had to be interrupted by a certain raven demon. At least he knocks before coming in.

"As much as I hate seeing you two be intimate I need to dress the young master" Sebastian's sarcastic remark echoed the room.

Y/N actually enjoyed Sebastian's attitude while Ciel found it irritating, "Alright, I'll get out of your hair."

Y/N stood up to leave but not without a fight as Ciel pulled Y/N back down to his height. Their lips interlocked with Ciel sitting on the edge of the bed holding the sides of his lovers face. Y/N had tried to pull away but Ciel brought him into another kiss trying to stick his tongue down his throat. His lover had to put his hand on his shoulder to push him away.

"Calm down, mi amore. We see each other all day, this won't be the only kiss I give you" Y/N joked ruffling Ciel's hair knowing it bothered him. Y/N frowned when Ciel had no reaction other than just looking down at his lap.

The older kneeled in front of the young master holding his hands. "Ciel, look at me," When Ciel didn't look up from his Y/N lifted Ciel's chin with his fingers. "My love, you know I adore you. I do not blame you for being busy, I very much admire your work. You always make time for me, remember that. I can't have you grumpy when you have important work to do, okay?" Y/N reassured his lover.

Ciel nodded, "Okay."

Y/N pecked his lover once more before standing back up walking to their closet to pick his outfit, "Now, I'll be taking my leave to change and have Sebastian dress you."

"Why don't you just dress him?" Sebastian's snarky attitude peaked.

"I wouldn't want the young master to be flustered all day" Y/N answered with a wink at Ciel.

Ciel's face burned and with that Y/N left their room.

Ciel Phantomhive x Male Reader [One-Shots] (Requests Always Open)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang