Love Him Madly

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Requested by Dev_fps34Az

Yandere Ciel x Reader

There's not a lot of dialogue, it's mostly at the end. Sorry if you don't like it I'm just trying to improve my writing. 🥺
Regardless, I hope you enjoy it!

Sebastian observed his master's change of character around you.

You were the one who unleashed the untameable beast.

The instant change of character when Ciel laid his eyes on your figure daunted the demon butler. He was more baffled when the flood of bloodlust derived from his young master. It didn't take a genius to notice the development in Ciel's behavior.

A small curl of the lip whenever you were in the vicinity. His eyes drifted to you from time to time. The love in his eyes when he looked at you. How he spoke so fondly to and about you.  Not to mention his curiosity surrounding you. He wanted to know anything and everything about you so he ordered Sebastian to uncover information regarding you.

This was a side of Ciel that Sebastian had never seen. He knew all too well how troubled the young teen could be but this was different. The complete and utter infatuation he held for you was nowhere near healthy. He was unstable. He lacked focus and his thoughts were filled to the brim relating to you. His dreams always featured you. He thought of all the dates you two could go on. All of the fun activities you could do together around the manor. He even planned how he would propose and marry you. And last but not least, he created and perfected a plan to take you away from your master, Alois Trancy.

Ciel could barely hold himself back as he was seated next to the blonde brat. As much as he hated Alois, he would visit often just to see you. How romantic.

His eyes held resentment toward the equally unstable teen. The tremendous fury his small body hardly contained toward Alois was alarming. Alois kept you at his side at all times as if to say, "You can look all you want but Y/N will always belong to me."

Ciel followed Alois as he was shown around the manor. He had noticed the bored look on Alois's face as their butler's death danced so he asked for a quick tour. It was perfect timing as well since you had just escorted Lord Druitt to the restroom.

Not long into the tour, Ciel suddenly stopped and declared a duel with Alois. Everything was going according to plan and Ciel couldn't be more ecstatic.

He had a deranged look In his eyes as he swung his sword before the count of five. Unfortunately, Alois expected this and pointed his sword toward Ciel. Ciel growled at this and struck his sword against Alois's. They swung their swords at each other and ended up on the upper floor of the room.

Ciel continued to chase the blonde brat before being pinned against the railing and thrown over the edge by Alois. He landed on the floor as the wind was knocked out of him. He gasped for air as Alois hovered over him having the sword pointed at his neck. As he was about to plunge the sword through Ciel's throat, Ciel grabbed the sharpened steel cutting his hand in the process. Alois struggled to use his sword in Ciel's grip. He was too shocked to notice Ciel grab his sword lying next to them and pierce it through his skin.

Just as he did, you burst into the room along with Lord Druitt, Sebastian, and Claude. Lord Druitt fainted at the scene while the butlers, including you, stared in disbelief.

Alois's sword fell to the ground as he sat in utter shock. He watched the blood soak through his clothes before rolling onto the ground and yelling at Claude to help him. Sebastian and Claude stepped forward and halted as Ciel ordered Sebastian to stay back. He wanted the satisfaction of ending Alois Trancy's life.

Ciel Phantomhive x Male Reader [One-Shots] (Requests Always Open)Where stories live. Discover now