Calm During the Storm

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Y/N sat in his study embittered. Thunder had been rumbling for thirty minutes now. Y/N loves storms actually but the loud thundering was irritating when there was no actual rain falling from the sky. It's like the weather was teasing him with only thunder and no rain.

Luckily for Y/N, his wish was granted. The sound of raindrops collecting on the window caught Y/N's attention. He stood up from his desk to stare out of the window that revealed the beautiful night sky. A flash of lightning brought Y/N's gaze to the grey clouds contrasting against the almost pitch black sky. The pace of the rain had quickened from sprinkling to pouring. Y/N's senses felt at peace with the auditory pleasing, visual attraction and pleasant scent of the rain. 

The dark sky, how late had it gotten? Y/N checked his watched and it read 20 after midnight. The young man cursed himself for working so late in his study. Time passed by so quickly whenever Y/N was working.

Y/N quietly found his way to his and Ciel's bedroom, or at least as quietly as he could. He undressed down to his undergarments not bothering to put on any nightwear. The older teen made his way under the covers facing Ciel's back. Another flash of lightning shone through the blackout curtains Ciel was facing. The rain could be heard better in this room.

"Mm, what time is it love?" Ciel seemed to be awakened by the storm.

"Almost thirty after midnight" Y/N answered wrapping his arms around his lover's torso cuddling with him.

"Why must you always work so late?"

"I'm sorry, darling. You know I don't mean to. I promise I'll try not working so late"

Ciel seemed content with the answer, "What brought you to bed this late?"

"The storm. There's something calming about it that puts me to sleep so peacefully" Y/N grinned as his eyes began to feel heavy.

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

Ciel Phantomhive x Male Reader [One-Shots] (Requests Always Open)Where stories live. Discover now